Back The Congress discussed the situation of local democracy in Armenia and held a debate on the “post-COVID” city

The Congress discussed the situation of local democracy in Armenia and held a debate on the “post-COVID” city

Today at the opening of the 40th Session, the President of the Congress Leendert Verbeek stressed the need to provide cities and regions with sufficient means for post-crisis recovery and to strengthen the credibility of governments at all levels. The President also raised concerns about recent developments in Belarus and called for wide consultation including civil society and NGOs.

Members of the Congress then had an exchange of views with Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić who presented the Strategic Framework of the Council of Europe for the next four years and the unique contribution of the Congress to the work of the Council of Europe and to the implementation of the United Nations sustainable development goals. She also underlined that the difficulties of 150 000 local and regional authorities across Europe have often worsened with the advent of COVID-19. “The reality is that they are on the front line when it comes to finding solutions. By adopting a joined-up approach, sharing good practice, and applying the lessons learned, every level of government can be better placed to succeed in the post-crisis recovery,” she underlined.

On the same day, the Chamber of Local Authorities adopted a report on the situation of local democracy in Armenia presented by Bryony RUDKIN (United Kingdom,SOC/G/PD) and Gunn Marit HELGESEN (Norway, EPP/CCE). Despite several positive developments, the powers of the Armenian municipalities have not been extended, their role in delivering public services remains limited, and local authorities are not provided with sufficient funding. Congress called on the Armenian government on improving the situation. 

The Chamber of Local Authorities also debated on the post-COVID city and the impact of the coronavirus crisis on socio-political processes in Europe’s cities and towns through research, local policies and youth engagement. The debate raised a number of critical questions such as the future of democracy, the urban-rural interplay, the digital divide, the development of new workspaces, infrastructure and public transport, and the impact for city development, spatial planning and environment. In this context, the President of the Chamber of Local Authorities Bernd Vöhringer (Germany, EPP/CCE proposed to update the “Manifesto for a new urbanity”, adopted by the Congress in 2008, in order to focus on urbanity in the new post-pandemic context.


*** 40th Session of the Congress (second part) ***

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40th Session Strasbourg, France 15 June 2021
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