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Monitoring visit by the Congress to the Principality of Liechtenstein
A delegation from the Congress will carry out a monitoring visit to the Principality of Liechtenstein from 6 to 7 June 2017. Co-rapporteurs on local democracy, Mr Artur Torres Pereira (Portugal, EPP-CCE) et Ms Marie Kaufmann (Czech Republic, ILDG), will examine the situation on local democracy in the light of the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, ratified by the Principality in 1988. High level meetings are scheduled, in particular with Mr Adrian Hasler, Prime Minister of Liechtenstein, Minister of General Government Affairs and Finance and Ms Dominique Gantenbein, Minister of Home Affairs, Education and Environment. The delegation will also meet with Mr Albert Frick, President of the Parliament (Landtag), Mr Marzell Beck, President of the State Court, as well as Mr Ewald Ospelt, Mayor of Vaduz and President of Mayor's Conference of Liechtenstein, Mr Rainer Beck, Mayor of Planken, and Mr Christoph Beck, Mayor of Triesenberg. Finally, the rapporteurs will hold discussions with the National Delegation of Liechtenstein to the Congress and representatives of the Association for Human Rights in Liechtenstein.
Press release
monitoring Liechtenstein 6 to 7 June 2017
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