Back Congress Bureau grants guest observer status to the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel

Congress Bureau grants guest observer status to the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel

The Federation of Local Authorities in Israel was granted the status of guest observer to the Congress at the Bureau meeting on 28 September 2020. This status is granted for a period of five years renewable, on an ad hoc basis, to associations representing local and/or regional authorities from territories which do not have a national delegation to the Congress, or which are non-European. Currently five associations hold this status: two from Belarus, one from China, one from Japan and the association of Kosovo* Municipalities.

* All reference to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

See also: 

Meeting of the Congress Bureau - 28 Sept. 2020
Bureau Strasbourg, France 28 September 2020
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