Our Appeal 2016-2017 interactive map presents the financial resources the Council of Europe will need in 2017 to enhance its strategic co-operation with South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, and Neighbourhood countries.

The Council of Europe accepts voluntary contributions from member states, observer states, non-member states, the European Union (EU), international organisations, foundations, the private sector and individuals that share the goals and values of the Organisation. We seek and accept voluntary contributions for projects approved within the framework of the Organisation's Programme and Budget to ensure that activities and related expenditures focus on agreed priorities.

Strategic co-operation

The Council of Europe supports increasingly strategic co-operation based on agreed objectives and priorities with beneficiary countries. Country-specific action plans, and co-operation documents, endorsed by the Committee of Ministers, have become the main instrument for articulating co-operation priorities with beneficiary countries and the resources required to achieve them. They serve as a valuable tool for pooling voluntary contributions that have not been earmarked or have only been broadly earmarked.

Programme and Budget

The Council of Europe has adoped a biennial Programme and Budget, proposed by the Secretary General and approved by the Committee of Ministers, since 2012. The Programme and Budget divides the organisation's standard setting, monitoring, and co-operation activities into three pillars: human rights, rule of law, and democracy.

It sets out agreed priorities and objectives and lists the resources needed to achieve them. It explains the Organisation's Ordinary Budget and its extra-budgetary resources.

Ordinary Budget

The Ordinary Budget traditionally finances the functioning of the Organisation's statutory organs and other bodies, intergovernmental standard setting, monitoring activities, and administrative infrastructure.

Extra-budgetary resources

Extra-budgetary resources provide the main funding for the Organisation's co-operation and technical assistance programmes. With increased emphasis on co-operation - the key element of the Secretary General's reform programme launched in 2011 - extra-budgetary resources have become crucial to the overall work of the organisation.

* Toute référence au Kosovo dans le présent texte, qu’il s’agisse de son territoire, de ses institutions ou de sa population, doit être entendue dans le plein respect de la Résolution 1244 du Conseil de sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, sans préjuger du statut du Kosovo.