Retour Call for participants: Training course “Youth advocacy for democracy and human rights”

Call for participants: Training course “Youth advocacy for democracy and human rights”
26 – 31 January 2025
European Youth Centre Strasbourg

The training course “Youth advocacy for democracy and human rights” takes place in Strasbourg, between 26 and 31 January 2025 and is co-organised by the Council of Europe Youth Department and the European Youth Forum and the German Federal Youth Council.

 The training course aims to develop the competences of youth civil society and young activists to advocate for human rights, democracy, ensuring a youth perspective in all the Council of Europe work, as well as advocating for the implementation and expansion of Council of Europe standards at national and local level.

 Objectives of the course

  • To familiarise participants with the Council of Europe, its institutions and standards for democracy, human rights and youth participation;
  • To develop participants’ competences in human rights-based advocacy and strengthen their capacity to develop and implement advocacy strategies and practices;
  • To create a space for sharing and learning from each other, as well as from examples of good practice in human rights and democracy advocacy, structures for youth participation in decision making, working with decision makers, etc;
  • To associate participants with the Youth Department’s work, notably the project Youth revitalising democracy;
  • To develop common advocacy initiatives/actions, also supporting the advocacy objectives of the project Youth revitalising democracy: enhancing youth participation in the elections and removing barriers to youth standing in elections, as well as securing structures for youth participation in decision-making.

 How to apply

 Read carefully the call for participants and see if you fit the profile. The call gives you also information about the practical conditions for participation.

 All candidates must apply online at by 3 December 2024, 14:00 CET.  The candidates who are using the platform for the first time are required to create an account by the link.

 In addition to completing their application form online, they should send a support letter from their sending organisation via email at [email protected].



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