Retour Comment promouvoir les valeurs européennes dans le domaine numérique

Comment promouvoir les valeurs européennes dans le domaine numérique

Le 17 septembre 2020, Patrick Penninckx, Chef du Département de la société de l'information du Conseil de l’Europe, a participé au colloque « Orientation des médias post-Covid » pour discuter de l'impact de la crise du coronavirus sur le journalisme ainsi que de l'ordre futur des médias en Europe avec près de 100 rédacteurs en chef, responsables politiques et experts universitaires. Il s'est adressé aux participants de la table ronde « politique » pour partager ses idées sur la liberté des médias et l'intégrité du processus démocratique à « l'ère de la désinformation » et les moyens de contrer les futures formes de fake news et de tromperie numérique. Il a également fourni une interview sur le thème « Comment promouvoir les valeurs européennes dans le domaine numérique ».

L’événement a été organisé dans le cadre de la série annuelle M100 Sanssouci lancée en 2005 par un groupe de personnalités des médias et de l'opinion publique au Palais Sanssouci de Potsdam.


INTERVIEW: How to promote European Values in the Digital Field, by Patrick Penninckx, Head of the Informational Society Department at the Council of Europe


Projecting Europe’s Values in the Digital Field – Where do we start?

Human rights lie at the heart of Europe’s democracies and ensuring their protection and full enjoyment in the online environment must be the starting point for projecting our democratic values in the digital field. The European Convention on Human Rights applies online equally as offline. Council of Europe member States therefore have the obligation to secure the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Convention also in the online environment. This implies not only a negative obligation to refrain from violations of human rights, but also a positive obligation – to take measures to protect everyone within their jurisdiction from human rights abuse committed by private actors, including by putting in place appropriate legal frameworks. In sum, policy development and law-making must be inspired by and inseparably linked with the implementation of internationally recognised human rights standards.


How to rethink our values’ protection to adapt to the new digital realities?

Digital technologies and AI tools impact the exercise of human rights in multiple ways. The more they are used, the more pervasive their impact. The Council of Europe leads an ongoing reflection and provides guidance to its members states for the protection of HR and democratic values in the digital era. The recent Declaration Decl(13/02/2019)1 warns against manipulative capabilities of algorithmic processes and the follow-up Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States provides guidance on the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems, while the Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)7 provides specific guidelines on how to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment. The CDMSI’s expert committee on freedom of expression and digital technologies(MSI-DIG) is currently working on a draft recommendation on the impacts of digital technologies on freedom of expression.


How to reconcile content moderation with freedom of expression?

Digital technologies have fundamentally transformed our patterns of communication and news consumption. The number of internet users has grown from some 10% of the world population in 2003 to 62% in 2020 which represent almost 5 billion persons worldwide. The amount of content online, including illegal, and legal but undesirable material, has also grown exponentially. Across Europe, States are grappling with the effort of combatting illegal content. Existing co- and self-regulatory approaches have proven largely ineffective as they often lack clarity and enforcement mechanisms. Following a prolonged period of reliance on self-regulation by platforms, States are increasingly starting to regulate (including Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France, UK, Ireland) but implementation of the new laws related to intermediary liability is challenging. Joint approaches are important to avoid fragmentation of regulation. Of course, the European Union is developing its Digital Services Act Package which is very important in this context. The Council of Europe is providing sector-specific guidance on legislative frameworks and oversight mechanisms that can effectively protect freedom of expression in today’s world. A new recommendation is being prepared on on frameworks for content regulation (best practices in terms approaches to content regulation – self-regulation, co-regulation).


Online harassment of journalists – what can States do already NOW?

Online attacks on journalists present themselves in the form of harassment, intimidation and threats, including threats of physical violence. It essential to ensure that threats and harassment online that amount to criminal offenses are prosecuted and treated like offline offenses. An understanding that offences committed online are not virtual but REAL must be promoted among law enforcement authorities. Training shall be provided to improve their capacity to investigate threats and other criminal offenses that take place online (including those that are gendered). Council of Europe has developed a range of tools to assist Governments in addressing this important issue. Implementation Guide to the CoE Committee of Ministers Recommendation on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors offers a collection of good practices from across Europe and beyond. The new Council of Europe HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) course on Protection and Safety of Journalists is now available to assist legal professionals, but also journalists and law-enforcement officials in identifying and tackling the threats towards journalists and other media actors.

Potsdam 17 Septembre 2020
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« Toute personne a droit à la liberté d’expression »

Art. 10 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme

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