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Back International police cooperation strongly engaged in FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

International police cooperation strongly engaged in FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

As usual over the last UEFA and FIFA Cups, national police delegations of the participating countries are invited to take part as a relevant stakeholder in the security arrangements of those competitions.

In the case of FIFA Russia 2018, police delegations from all the 32 participating countries are fully engaged in assisting the Russian police and law enforcement authorities in dealing with groups of supporters coming from all over the world.

Based on the provisions of the Council of Europe Recommendation Rec (2015)1 of the Standing Committee of the 1985 Convention on Spectator Violence, which incorporated the “EU Football Handbook”, the national police delegations carry out two main missions during these events: information exchange on the groups of national supporters, via two liaison officers per country, deployed in the International Police Cooperation Centre (IPCC); and a team of three mobile spotters deployed in the host cities, who interact and facilitate the dialogue with their fans for the benefit of the hosting police forces (see Annex B, Appendix 2, of the Recommendation).

In 2015, in the run-up for the FIFA World Cup 2018, the Russian Federation hosted a monitoring visit of the Standing Committee.

Final report of the visit

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Russia 29 June 2018
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Spectator violence

For the Council of Europe, sport is a force for social integration, tolerance and understanding. As the single most popular activity in society today, sport plays a most distinctive role. It is open to all, regardless of age, language, religion, culture or ability.

Sport provides the opportunity to learn to play by commonly agreed rules, to behave with fairness in victory and in defeat, and to develop not only the physical being, but also social competences and ethical values. Its positive role in education is also increasingly acknowledged. Sport brings a key contribution to the promotion of the core values of the Council of Europe: democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

For its part, the Council of Europe acts firmly against some of the negative aspects of sport - violence and doping - through two conventions: the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches (ETS No. 120) and the Anti-Doping Convention (ETS No. 135).

Violence is the most common form of violation of human rights affecting all human beings. The fight against violence – whichever form it may take - and its prevention forms one of the cornerstones of the Council of Europe’s priorities and subsequently its activities. In 1983, the Council of Europe voiced its determination to combat violence in sport with an initial recommendation from its Parliamentary Assembly on the cultural and educational means of reducing violence.

In response, the Committee of Ministers advocated a series of measures in 1984 to reduce spectator violence at sports events, particularly at football matches. The Heysel disaster in May 1985 lent new urgency to this work. Many Europeans felt concerned by such violence and its repercussions. The tragedy provided the dramatic backdrop to the opening for signature, in Strasbourg on 19 August 1985, of the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches, which came into force extremely rapidly on 1 November 1985.

More than three decades after the launch of the convention, the progress is notable. National legislation and security regulations comply more and more with the recommendations made in the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events, supporters are better managed and this significantly reduces the risk of such disasters happening. 

The Standing Committee, in charge of the implementation of the Convention, evolved from a security approach to a safety and later to a service one, which naturally enables it to draft the new convention on an integrated safety, security and service approach at football matches and other sports events.

T-RV Standing Committee

The Heysel Stadium disaster (May 1985) shook the world and revealed the need to urgently take measures to increase security at sports events.
Prepared in a record time, the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches was the response to that need. It was adopted on 19 August 1985.

The Convention requires States to take practical measures to prevent and control violence and misbehaviour by spectators. It also includes measures to identify and deal with offenders.

The Standing Committee (T-RV Committee) follows the implementation of the Convention and assesses progress achieved. It visits countries, attends high risk matches, discusses issues with key stakeholders and evaluates the measures in place. It then makes recommendations when improvements are needed. The Standing Committee also discusses issues of general concern and adopts recommendations addressed to all States Parties. Over the last three decades, the Committee has adopted 26 recommendations, gradually showing the importance of addressing other two key issues connected to security: the issues of safety and services.

In 2015, the Standing Committee adopted a major recommendation (Rec(2015)1) which gathers, in a single document, all the key guidance provided by the Committee during its thirty years of existence, as well as an impressive collection of best practices in State’s efforts to guarantee safety and security at sports events. The latest update of Rec (2015)1 was adopted in 2020.

All these efforts have paved the way for the adoption in 2016 of a new Convention focusing on an integrated and multiagency approach to safety, security and service at football matches and other sports events, also known as the Saint-Denis Convention.

The St Denis Convention is called to gradually replace the 1985 Convention, as each state that ratifies the new convention must denounce the old one.


To learn more about these texts:

 European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches (ETS No. 120)

 Recommendation Rec (2015) 1, of the Standing Committee, on Safety, Security and Service at Football Matches and other Sports Events

 Convention focusing on an integrated and multiagency approach to safety, security and service at football matches and other sports events Saint-Denis Convention (CETS No. 218)