Anti-Doping Questionnaire (ADQ): Annual reports
What is it?
The Anti-Doping Questionnaire (ADQ) is an annual battery of questions on anti-doping policies and practices, which the State Parties to the Anti-Doping Convention answer as part of their commitments as signatories to the Convention, as well as to demonstrate how it is implemented.
It spans a wide range of the anti-doping testing, monitoring, prevention and education processes, including funding, anti-doping laws and disciplinary measures, educational programmes, how the different national parties interact in the fight against anti-doping, research and development initiatives and the protection of whistleblowers, to name a few.
The Monitoring Group of the Anti-Doping Convention (T-DO) collects the annual reports already since the late 1990s, when paper versions where sent to the States Parties for manual completion and returned by postal mail. Technological advancement has later on enabled an online tool, developed with States Parties' support in the form of voluntary contributions for the design of a dedicated online platform.
Annual online campaigns welcome State Parties to designate appointed national experts to complete the questionnaire, in an effort to gather a well-rounded overview that merges the plurality of viewpoints of the actors involved in the fight against doping. This exercise is now lead by the T-DO Advisory Group on Compliance (T-DO COMP) and its dedicated Working group on the revision of the annual questionnaire (T-DO COMP ADQ).
Annual data disaggregated by State Party is available further down this page on the “Annual reports by State Parties” section.
What is it for?
The Monitoring Group (T-DO), as the body in change of monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Doping Convention, constitutes a unique network of governmental experts and officials from anti-doping organisations and sports federations who lead the monitoring work of anti-doping policies on its 52 States Parties.
Its overall mission is to monitor and guide States Parties in their implementation of the Convention. As a kind of international anti-doping barometer, it sets standards and produces specific recommendations to the States.
To that purpose States Parties complete a detailed questionnaire annually on the condition of their national anti-doping policies and practices. This data is then used to analyse how the Convention is implemented on a day-by-day basis, with the result published in the form of country analytical reports. These identify common trends in the State Parties and, if necessary, develop targeted recommendations. Advisory visits assist and guide countries towards the enaction of policies and programmes conductive to achieving the requirements laid down in the Convention and its Additional Protocol.
These visits constitute an opportunity for the State Parties to access targeted expertise and to learn from and to strengthen cooperation links with other State Parties in a similar situation. The Monitoring Group offers the States a unique blend of expertise, practical support and networking opportunities in the form of a dedicated team of Anti-Doping experts and by facilitating a platform for mutual learning and exchange of good practices and know-how. It welcomes all agents designated by the respective State Party to the Convention, with the ultimate goal of sustaining enduring and effective cooperation in the shared fight to keep sport clean and fair.
Learn more
State Parties to the Anti-Doping Convention
Full list of signatures and ratifications of the Anti-Doping Convention
T-DO restricted website
Anti-Doping Questionnaire
How to complete the Questionnaire