At the heart of the European Convention on Spectator Violence adopted by the Council of Europe, a Standing Committee takes the leadership. It ensures the respect of the treaty by the states parties.


The Standing Committee

The Committee is the body in charge of monitoring the implementation of the convention, as stated in its articles 8, 9 and 10. It addresses recommendations to the Parties on the measures to be taken and responds, if necessary, to new concerns. Acting as a real international platform, the Committee includes national experts (delegates) and observers.

The Standing Committee includes one or several national delegates appointed by the governments of the states parties to the convention. Each delegate is on duty until his government, or himself, decides on his replacement. At the meetings, the delegate can be accompanied by one or more experts. The Committee elects a chair and a vice-chair for a mandate of two years renewable only once, by a majority of votes.

Some countries, non-member States of the Council of Europe, as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Qatar, la Tunisia; or Sport and International Organisations as Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) ; Union of European Football Associations (UEFA); Football Supporters Europe (FSE); European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL), Supporters Direct Europe (SDE) and Interpol have obtained the status of observer to the Convention . They can take part in meetings but don’t have the right to vote.

The meetings of the Standing Committee take place at least once a year, at the siege of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg or in a country who shows interest for the work of the Committee. Each party to the convention has one vote. Decisions are taken by a majority of votes expressed. 

At the disposal of the Standing Committee

The Bureau of the Standing Committee takes administrative and organisational decisions between the meetings of the Committee. It includes the chair, the vice-chair and four members elected by the Committee. The chair and the vice-chair are elected for a mandate of two years, renewable once, as well as three of the other members, being the mandate of the fourth member limited to one year to ensure a partial renewal of the bureau every year.

The secretariat of the sport conventions division of the DG II Democracy of the Council of Europe ensures the administrative services of the Committee. It organises the meetings and prepares and delivers the documents and reports useful to the Committee, its bureau, as well as the expert or working groups implemented under the convention.

A network of international partners supports the work of the Standing Committee, which implements its activities in close collaboration with key international actors, including the European Union and INTERPOL, as well as international sports organisations: UEFA, FIFA and EPFL and other non-governmental actors such as Football Supporters Europe, etc.

Such co-operation allows for member states to be assisted or supported in implementing worldwide strategies and standards, but it also facilitates the proposal and promotion of norms, measures and good practices at European and worldwide level, that were developed thanks to Council of Europe co-operation.