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Rabat International Conference: integrating migrants, fighting violent extremism, involving citizens

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the City of Rabat organised, from 20 to 22 November 2017 in Rabat (Morocco), an international conference entitled " Building an inclusive community: integrating migrants, fighting violent extremism, involving citizens ". This event was part of the cooperation programme between the Congress and Morocco to strengthen local and regional democracy in the context of the reform of advanced regionalisation in Morocco.

The conference brought together elected representatives and administrative officials from Moroccan towns and cities, as well as their European counterparts, who shared their experiences within international networks such as the Intercultural Cities Programme (ICC) or the Alliance of European cities against violent extremism.

The conference was opened on 20 November by Lahcen LAMRANI, First Vice Mayor of Rabat, Nawel RAFIK-ELMRINI, Vice-President of the Current Affairs Committee of the Congress of the Council of Europe and Deputy Mayor of the City of Strasbourg, France, and José Luis HERRERO, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Rabat.

The three themes were introduced by Sabah BOUCHAM, Vice-President of the Municipality of Rabat, in charge of social, cultural and sports affairs, Nawel-RAFIK-ELMRINI, Marloes SOER, advisor on radicalization and the fight against terrorism, City of Rotterdam, Netherlands, Mohammed BOUDRA, President of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Municipal Councils, and Andrew DISMORE, Member of the Council of Europe Congress and Member of the London Assembly for Barnet and Camden, United Kingdom.

On 21 and 22 November, several thematic round tables allowed participants to exchange experiences on the field presented by elected Moroccan and European, as well as by experts and academics. Concrete examples were examined, in particular, on participatory budgets, co-construction of public spaces, citizen participation, Morocco's strategy for refugees and migrants, foreign residents' councils, integration of migrants through employment, as well as prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism in Europe and Morocco.

The conference was organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation of Morocco, the Ministry of Interior, and the Moroccan Association of the Presidents of Municipal Councils (AMPCC).

South-MED Rabat, Morocco 19 November 2017
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Nawel RAFIK-ELMRINI: "When we speak about citizens at the local level, we are speaking about all residents, including migrants"

SOUTH-MED 20 November 2017 Rabat, Morocco

"As residents, migrants must be able to fully participate in the life of their host community and contribute to its development. This contribution is hindered if migrants are excluded from the life of the community, either by their legal status not allowing their involvement at the local level,...

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Youtube interviews

City of Rabat announces setting up of a committee for the integration of migrants

27 November 2017 Rabat, Morocco

At the close of the international conference on “Building inclusive communities: integrating migrants, fighting violent extremism, involving citizens” on 22 November 2017, Lahcen Lamrani, First Deputy Mayor of Rabat (Morocco), presented several recommendations aimed at integrating migrants more...

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Rabat international Conference - 20 to 22 November 2017
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  • English, French, Arabic

Venue :

ISESCO, Organisation Islamique pour l’Education, les Sciences et la Culture
Avenue des F.A.R., Hay Ryad, B.P. 2275,
C.P. 10104 Rabat - Royaume du Maroc
Tel: + 212 (0) 5 37 56 60 52 / 53


Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Deputy Head of Cooperation and external relations Department ad interim
Tel: +33 (0)
[email protected]

Council of Europe Office in Morocco

Project officer
Tel: +212 (0) 537 57 50 00
[email protected]