The increasing number of migrants coming to Europe constitutes a critical challenge for all levels of government, calling for adapted and effective measures in Council of Europe member States. Local and regional authorities who, as the public authority closest to the population, are the first port of call in any emergency situation, have the responsibility to provide newly arrived migrants with access to key public services (housing, healthcare, education) without any discrimination.


The Congress published in 2019 "Human rights handbook for local and regional authorities". One of its three chapters aims to combat discrimination against refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and internally displaced persons. Examples presented include actions conducted by various local and regional authorities, councils and organisations. Some of the issues addressed in the Handbook are presented below. To view the whole content, download the Handbook in PDF format.

 Download : Human Rights Handbook Vol. I (Pdf)

Adopted texts
  • Convention on the participation of foreigners in public life at local level
Congress texts
Other texts

Back Jean-Claude Frécon: “Migration reflects a legitimate desire for more human dignity, more security and a better future”

Jean-Claude Frécon: “Migration reflects a legitimate desire for more human dignity, more security and a better future”

“The issue of migrants is closely linked to the responsibilities of local authorities, which are directly affected by migratory flows. Local and regional authorities are first in line when it comes to catering and providing accommodation for migrants and their families, a particularly difficult challenge given the current “migrant crisis” in Europe,” stated Jean-Claude Frécon, President of the Congress, on the occasion of International Migrants Day on 18 December 2015. “Local and regional elected representatives have a key role to play in facilitating the integration of migrants and in encouraging dialogue with the remainder of society. As many of the texts adopted over the past fifteen years have shown, the Congress is convinced that the integration of migrants depends, first and foremost, on their participation in local affairs and on their access to employment, education and all public services on an equal footing with the remainder of the population. Migration reflects a legitimate desire for more human dignity, more security and a better future,” he added.


Strasbourg 18 December 2015
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