28 September 2020 - Meeting of the Statutory Forum
The Statutory Forum of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe held a remote meeting on 28 September 2020 to examine, for adoption, several reports on the state of local democracy in Europe and on grassroots elections in major crisis situations, as well as its revised Rules and Procedures.
Co-rapporteurs Xavier Cadoret (France, SOC/G/PD) and David Eray (Switzerland, ILDG) presented a report on the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Portugal. Co-rapporteurs Marc Cools (Belgium, ILDG) and Andrew Dismore (United Kingdom, SOC/G/PD) presented a report on the implementation of the Charter in Austria.
The report on the observation of local elections in the Republic of Moldova (20 October 2019), prepared by rapporteur Vladimir Prebiliç (Slovenia, SOC/G/PD), was submitted for adoption by tacit procedure.
The issue of local and regional elections in major crisis situations was debated on the basis of a report presented by co-rapporteurs Stewart Dickson (United Kingdom, ILDG) and Jos Wienen (Netherlands, EPP/CCE).
The Statutory Forum acts on behalf of the Congress between sessions and is convened upon decision by the Bureau of the Congress. The Statutory Forum comprises the Presidents of all national delegations and the members of the Bureau. The outgoing president, the chairs of committees and the presidents of political groups participate without voting rights.
The meeting of the Statutory Forum was live webcast.
Webcast link
Available in: English, French, German, Italian, Russian and original language.
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Sarah Burton
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