The Governance Committee is responsible for legal and political issues relating to the effective development of good governance and democracy at local and regional levels. Its work focuses on promoting the implementation and development of the Council of Europe's legal instruments and recommendations in the field of local and regional democracy. It also considers questions related to governance and the functioning of local and regional authorities, such as citizen participation at local and regional level, public finance, cross-border and interregional co-operation, and e-democracy.

In the framework of its mandate, the Governance Committee prepares reports, including a resolution and/or recommendation for adoption by the Congress. In accordance with the priorities set by the Congress, it may also propose activities to the Bureau for advancing local and regional democracy, and organise conferences, hearings and other events on matters linked to its work programme. 

In the framework of its activities, the Committee works closely with the relevant Council of Europe structures and bodies, in particular with the Parliamentary Assembly's Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development and the relevant subsidiary bodies of the Committee of Ministers, such as the European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) and its subcommittees.


Back Fighting nepotism through clear and transparent recruitment procedures

Fighting nepotism through clear and transparent recruitment procedures


Against a background of diminished public trust in public authorities, fighting nepotism and ensuring impartial recruitment procedures are fundamental requirements. The report adopted on this subject by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe on 2 April 2019 is part of a comprehensive strategy for fighting corruption and promoting public ethics at local and regional levels.

The Congress invites local and regional authorities to enhance transparency in their recruitment and promotion processes, by establishing clear procedures, guaranteeing equality and fairness. It also encourages them to introduce reporting channels in order to identify potential occurrences of favouritism or conflict of interests. In its recommendation, the Congress further underlines the need for governments to ensure that their legislation includes sufficient provisions to mitigate the risk of nepotism.

“There is an urgent need for local and authorities wishing to counteract favouritism in their recruitment processes to adopt an approach based on risk identification, the establishment of robust preventive mechanisms, compliance with procedures and the sanctioning of misconduct,” said the Congress rapporteur Wilma DELISSEN VAN TONGERLO (Netherlands, SOC).


As part of its roadmap adopted in 2016, the Congress instructed its Governance Committee to prepare 6 reports on the following subjects:



*** 36th Session of the Congress ***

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36th Session Strasbourg, France 2 April 2019
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Jelena Drenjanin
Chair of the Governance Committee
Sweden, EPP/CCE
Member of the municipal Assembly of Huddinge


The number of seats in committees and their apportionment by country is agreed and updated by the Bureau of the Congress.

Composition of the Governance Committee

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Roman Chlapak
Committee Secretary
 [email protected]
+ 33 3 88 41 35 73