Back Xavier Cadoret: Decentralisation in Tunisia is based on a national association recognised by all and independent

Xavier Cadoret: Decentralisation in Tunisia is based on a national association recognised by all and independent

“Associations of local authorities play an important role as intermediaries between the Congress and local communities, thereby contributing to the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government”, stated Xavier Cadoret, Vice-President of the Congress and President of the Chamber of Local Authorities, on 22 November 2019 in Mahdia, Tunisia. Speaking at the panel on the role of associations of municipalities, in the framework of the inaugural conference of the General Assembly of the National Federation of Tunisian Towns and Cities, he stressed the importance of this structure for strengthening local democracy in Tunisia.

Mr. Cadoret welcomed the progress made by the Federation, including the vote on the new status of the association and the proposed elections for new governance structures. “Tunisia undertook a very ambitious decentralisation process several years ago”, the Vice-President recalled. “Such a long and complex reform must necessarily be accompanied by a strong association of local authorities, that can train elected representatives, support them, and also express their needs”, he added.

In fact, associations represent local authorities in the dialogue with other levels of government and act as spokespersons when they participate in consultations. They can also influence national policy formulation, through the sharing of their field experience, and represent the interests of communities in other institutions and structures, at national and international levels.

This is the case of the Congress of the Council of Europe, with which Tunisia has been co-operating since 2017 and which recently granted it the status of Partner for Local Democracy. “This partnership, which is part of the South-Mediterranean Partnership Programme, marks the Congress' recognition of Tunisia's efforts to establish genuine local democracy”, explained Mr. Cadoret. He encouraged local stakeholders to continue their decentralisation efforts: “this reform can only succeed if it is based on strong communities and supported by an association of local authorities that is independent and recognised by all”.

At the end of the conference, the Vice-President of the Congress met with a delegation of Libyan local elected representatives.


See also:

South-Med Partnership Mahdia, Tunisia 22 November 2019
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