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5th General Meeting of the national associations of local and regional authorities: stepping up co-operation with the Congress on shared priorities

On 19 September 2016, in Paris, the Congress will hold the 5th General Meeting of the national associations of local and regional authorities of Europe. This meeting, which the Congress has held regularly since 2006, provides an opportunity for dialogue and exchange between national representatives of local and regional authorities and the Congress on major issues of common interest. The goal of this 5th General Meeting is to discuss the Congress’s future work priorities for the period 2017-2020, to be submitted for adoption at the next Congress session (19-21 October 2016). The meeting will also be an opportunity to examine the work of the national associations on three key themes among the Congress’s priorities, namely the reception and integration of refugees, radicalisation and violent extremism, and ethics and the fight against corruption. The representatives of the national associations will be able to discuss these matters with the spokespersons and thematic rapporteurs of the Congress, in the presence of the Congress President, Jean-Claude Frécon, and the Presidents of the two Chambers Gudrun Mosler-Törnström (Chamber of regions) and Anders Knape (Chamber of local authorities), who are also rapporteurs on the priorities. 

Draft programme
Congress priorities 2017-2020
Registration form (reserved for national associations)          

General Meeting of the national associations of local and regional authorities of Europe Paris (France) 5 July 2015
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