You have the right to peacefully assemble and associate with others using the Internet.

In practice, this means:

You have the freedom to choose any website, application or other service in order to form, join, mobilise and participate in social groups and assemblies whether or not they are formally recognised by public authorities. You should also be able to use the Internet to exercise your right to form and join trade unions.

You have the right to protest peacefully online. However, you should be aware that, if your online protest leads to blockages, the disruption of services and/or damage to the property of others, you may face legal consequences.

You have the freedom to use available online tools to participate in local, national and global public policy debates, legislative initiatives and public scrutiny of decision making processes, including the right to sign petitions and to participate in policy-making relating to how the Internet is governed.

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Internet Users Rights

In Brief
Users have the freedom to choose any website, application, or other service to associate and assemble. They also have the right to protest peacefully online. However, they should be aware that they may face legal consequences if online protest leads to blockages, the disruption of services or damage to the property of others.
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