Retour Consultative meeting of Montenegrin prosecutors

Horizontal Facility Action: Montenegro - Accountability of the Judicial System
The consultative meeting for Montenegrin prosecutors, organised and facilitated by the Council of Europe and the Prosecutorial Council of Montenegro on 16 June 2017 in Podgorica, provided a platform for discussing the implementation of a newly established system of individual evaluation of prosecutors in Montenegro.
Consultative meeting of Montenegrin prosecutors

The consultative meeting for Montenegrin prosecutors, organised and facilitated by the Council of Europe and the Prosecutorial Council of Montenegro on 16 June 2017 in Podgorica, provided a platform for discussing the implementation of a newly established system of individual evaluation of prosecutors in Montenegro.

The meeting, opened by the Supreme State Prosecutor of Montenegro, Mr Ivica Stankovic, gathered  representatives of the Prosecution Service from all regions of Montenegro, namely representatives of the State Prosecutor’s Offices and members of the Prosecutorial Council of Montenegro. Throughout the meeting, members of the Prosecutorial Council of Montenegro presented the results achieved so far in the implementation of the Law on State Prosecution Service and more specifically the provisions on evaluation of the work of the prosecutors.

Participants agreed on the conclusion that the Prosecutorial Council shall continue with the practice of organising consultative meetings with prosecutors with a focus on topics related to their status and functions (appointment, promotion, evaluation etc.).

The meeting was organised in the framework of the Action “Accountability of the Judicial System” co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Podgorica, Montenegro 16 June 2017
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