partial agreement on youth mobilty logoThe Partial Agreement on Youth Mobility through the Youth Card was set up in 1991 at the initiative of the then Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Catherine Lalumière, following the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Youth held in Lisbon (Portugal). At this Conference, the ministers advocated an increase in mobility of young people between the East and the West.

The Committee of Ministers' Resolution ResAP(1991) revised in 2003 (Resolution ResAP(2003)1) institutes a Partial Agreement on the Youth Card for the purpose of promoting and facilitating youth mobility in Europe. The Partial Agreement is part of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe and thus follows the priorities and objectives of both the youth sector and the Council of Europe as a whole.

Developments regarding the European Youth Card scheme and/or youth mobility policy

Self-assessment tool on youth mobility  Self-assessment tool on youth mobility - April 2024

  Presentation leaflet in 38 languages & promotional brochure in 7 languages

  Handbook on Quality in Learning Mobility - 2nd Edition

Aims of the partial agreement

The overall objective of the Partial Agreement is for member governments and EYCA member organisations to work together to create better mobility solutions for young people. This general objective implies two main aims:

Partial agreement member States

25 members: Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, The Netherlands, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Switzerland.

More information on membership


 Access of Rural Youth to Cultural Heritage: European Youth Card’s Role in Promoting Cultural Routes


'Youth as promoters of sustainability: the European Youth Card as a tool to reinforce sustainable mobility'

Partial Agreement’s promotional video

Address by EYCA President and by Board of Coordination Chair 


Council of Europe Directorate of Democratic Participation
Youth Department

Youth Policy Division

Partial Agreement on Youth Mobility through the Youth Card 
 [email protected]