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One to One Online Meetings with Pilot Courts

As part of the pilot court activities under the project on “Improving the Effectiveness of the Administrative Judiciary and Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Council of State”, one to one online meetings with five of the pilot courts took place on 16 and 17 of July to discuss the materials to be developed by the pilot courts.

The meetings involved the presidents, members and personnel of Ankara Regional Administrative Court 1st Administrative Litigation Chamber and Ankara 2nd Administrative Court, Istanbul Regional Administrative Court 2nd Tax Litigation Chamber and Istanbul 15th Tax Court and Izmir Regional Administrative Court 3rd Administrative Litigation Chamber, supported by the international consultant and the project team members.

The meetings focused on the current state of affairs, status of specialisation and the workload in the respective courts. The insight information on functioning of the courts was gathered and the progress of the actions on drafting of petition templates, guidance materials and workflow charts for the administrative judiciary was evaluated.

Further collaboration opportunities and potential working methods during the judicial recess have been also discussed.



The Joint Project on “Improving the Effectiveness of the Administrative Judiciary and Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Council of State” is implemented by the Council of Europe, and co-funded by the European Union, the Republic of Turkey and the Council of Europe. The Turkish Ministry of Justice - Directorate General for Legal Affairs is the end beneficiary of the Project.

Ankara 21 July 2020
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