EU-CoE Joint Project on ‘Improving the Effectiveness of Family Courts: Better Protection of the Rights of Family Members’ Ended with the Closing Ceremony

13 September 2024 Ankara

The European Union-Council of Europe Joint Project on ‘Improving the Effectiveness of Family Courts: Better Protection of the Rights of Family Members' has successfully concluded after a 42-month implementation period, with the closing ceremony held in Ankara on 13 September 2024. The Head of the...

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Ankara Hosts Closing Conference of EU-Council of Europe Joint Project on Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution in Türkiye

12 September 2024 Ankara

The Closing Conference of the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE) Joint Project on “Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution in Türkiye” took place today, marking the successful completion of this significant initiative. The event brought together prominent figures, including Minister...

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Improving the monitoring of detention places in the context of migration in Türkiye

August 2024 Ankara

The "Guidelines for Monitoring of Detention Places" for the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye (HREIT) have been completed and published with the expert support of the European Union's and Council of Europe's joint action "Strengthening Human Rights Protection in the Context of...

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An Endline Survey was Conducted to Measure the Satisfaction Levels of Citizens Applying to Family Courts

15 August 2024 Ankara

Within the scope of the EU-CoE Joint Project on "Improving the Effectiveness of Family Courts: Better Protection of the Rights of Family Members", an Endline Survey was conducted to measure the satisfaction levels of the citizens applying to family courts in the pilot provinces and to compare the...

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Call for tender – Purchase of services related to production of public awareness videos aiming to increase awareness of the general public and public institutions on the role and mandate of the Turkish Constitutional Court (TCC) as well as its impact as a key institution for human rights protection in Türkiye

7 August 2024 Ankara

The Council of Europe is currently implementing an EU-CoE Joint Project on “Supporting the Effective Implementation of Turkish Constitutional Court Judgments in the field of Fundamental Rights.” For more details, please consult the Tender File and the Act of Engagement. Expected duration of the...

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Assisting Turkish lawyers about the application of detention in the context of migration, aligned with European standards

August 2024 Ankara

In the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint action on “Strengthening the human rights protection in the context of migration in Türkiye,” in co-operation with the Union of Turkish Bar Associations, 133 lawyers from İzmir, Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin and Bursa Bar...

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European Union and Council of Europe support civil society to empower women in Türkiye

18 July 2024 Ankara

The joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Fostering women's access to justice in Türkiye” is supporting the capacities of civil society organisations through a grant scheme. Grants were awarded to three civil society organisations, namely Hayat Sende Gençlik Akademisi Derneği (Hayat...

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Call for Tender for the purchase of services related to renting billboard spaces under the scope of the Project on “Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Turkey”

18 July 2024 Ankara

The Council of Europe (CoE) is currently implementing an EU-CoE Joint project on “Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Turkey” co-funded by the European Union, and the Council of Europe. The Turkish Ministry of Justice is the end beneficiary of the Project. This specific tender...

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Workshop on Circular on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Templates for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) requests

4 JULY 2024 İzmir

On 4 July 2024, the ICCM project held a workshop in İzmir with the participation of 20 representatives from the Ministry of Justice Directorate General for Foreign Relations and EU Affairs (DGFREU), and judges and prosecutors. The workshop aimed to facilitate discussions among the participants...

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European standards and approaches to establishing an effective Asset Recovery Office discussed in Türkiye

02-03 JULY 2024 ANKARA

The Council of Europe organised a workshop on “Comparative Practices on Setting up and Functions of Asset Recovery Office and Asset Sharing in the EU Member States” on 2-3 July in Ankara. The event, supported by the EU and the Council of Europe brought together representatives of the Republic of...

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Awareness Raising of Candidate Judges on Standards of Legal Reasoning in Family Courts

28 June 2024 Ankara

A cascade training was held in Ankara on 28 June within the scope of the EU-CoE Joint Project on “Improving the Effectiveness of Family Courts: Better Protection of the Rights of Family Members.” 118 candidate judges benefitted from the training on “Legal Reasoning in Family Court Proceedings.”...

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Call for proposals – CSO grants for supporting access to information and legal aid in migration context in Türkiye

27 JUNE 2024 Ankara

Within the framework of the action “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection in the Context of Migration in Türkiye” (the action), implemented by the Council of Europe under the European Union-Council of Europe Joint Programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” (Horizontal...

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Meeting to finalise policy documents on disciplinary sanctions and reward practices for prisoners

13 June 2024 Ankara

As the final phase of the process of drafting a policy document and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the implementation of disciplinary sanctions and reward practices for prisoners in Türkiye, a roundtable meeting was held in Ankara on 13 June 2024. The aim of the event was to present the...

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Roundtable Discussion on Mediation and Arbitration Practices within the Scope of Business-Friendly Dispute Resolution Methods

13 June 2024 Istanbul

Within the framework of the European Union-Council of Europe Joint Project on "Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Turkey", the Roundtable Discussion on Mediation and Arbitration Practices within the scope of Business-Friendly Dispute Resolution Methods was held in İstanbul on 13th...

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Human Rights, Camera, Action! - Council of Europe launches photo and video competition for young Europeans

13 June 2024 Strasbourg

To celebrate its 75th anniversary and to raise awareness of the role and impact of the Council of Europe, the Deputy Secretary General, Bjørn Berge, has launched a photo and video competition entitled “Human Rights, Camera, Action!” aimed at young people, inviting them to use their smartphones...

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Increasing legal literacy of women in the earthquake-affected regions of Türkiye

12 June 2024 Malatya, Adıyaman, Hatay, and Kahramanmaraş

Between 7 – 10 May 2024, a total of 87 women affected by the earthquakes of February 2023 attended a training aiming at empowering them to claim their rights and increased their knowledge on how to access support services. The trainings were organised in the container cities - housing more than...

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Awareness-Raising on Human Rights Standards Through Cascade Trainings for Family Justice Professionals

10-11 June 2024 Istanbul - Mardin

Cascade trainings were held in Izmir on 24-27 April 2024, in Antalya on 29-30 April 2024, in Istanbul on 8-11 May and in Mardin on 10-11 June within the scope of the EU-CoE Joint Project on “Improving the Effectiveness of Family Courts: Better Protection of the Rights of Family Members.” Within...

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Turkish lawyers continue to improve their expertise on the procedures of individual application to the Turkish Constitutional Court

24-25 MAY 2024, 7-8 JUNE 2024 BURSA, TEKİRDAĞ

A total of 52 lawyers from Bursa Bar Association (on 24-25 May 2024) and Tekirdağ Bar Association (on 7-8 June 2024) participated in the enriching two-day training on Procedures of Individual Application to the Constitutional Court. The trainings were organised within the framework of the...

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High-level prison management authorities from Türkiye on a study visit to Spain

4 - 6 June 2024 Spain

Between 4 and 6 June 2024, a study visit to Spain was organised with 9 representatives from the Ministry of Justice, including Directorate General of Prisons and Detention Houses, prison management and staff, in order to get familiarise with good practices on discipline and reward procedures for...

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Young Roma Become Baristas

6 June 2024 Izmir

The closing event and certificate ceremony of the “Young Roma Baristas Course”, one of the sub-grant projects carried out by Konak Municipality within the scope of the ROMACTED Phase II Project “Promoting Good Governance and Roma Empowerment at Local Level”, a European Union-Council of Europe...

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