  • To further enhance professionalism, accountability and the overall quality of service of the judicial system of Montenegro
  • To ensure functioning of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils, Centre for Training, as well as of the Center for Mediation on Montenegro in line with European best practices and standards
  • Focusing on ethics, liability and integrity, the Action will further strengthen, improve or in some cases assist to create the relevant ethical codes and mechanisms for monitoring the compliance among legal professions such as lawyers, bailiffs, notaries and court experts
The project will be over a period of 36 months (24/05/2019-23/05/2022)
  • The total budget of the Action is 800.000 EUR
  • The budget allocated to the overall Horizontal Facility programme amounts to ca. 41 Million EUR (85% funded by the European Union, 15% by the Council of Europe)
  • Citizens of Montenegro, who will benefit from modernised judicial administration and institutions, through user-centered approach, as well as professional and ethical judiciary and legal professionals
  • Judicial Council, Prosecutorial Council, Supreme Court of Montenegro, Office of the Supreme State Prosecutor, Center for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution Service (JTC), Ministry of Justice of Montenegro, Bar Association, Chamber of Public Bailiffs, Chamber of Notaries, Association of Court Experts, Association of Court Interpreters and Center for Mediation of Montenegro

Code of Ethics for Notaries in Montenegro (Eng, Montenegrin)

How will the action work
  • Through capacity building of crucial judicial institutions in Montenegro
  • Through creation of ethical codes and mechanisms for monitoring the compliance
  • Through providing expertise to the relevant bodies in Montenegrin justice system
  • Through promotion of the judiciary, mediation and quality of mediation services and tools for their monitoring and improvement
  • The Action builds upon the results achieved by the Action “Accountability of the Judicial System” (HF14), implemented in the Horizontal Facility phase I (2016 – 2019)
Expected results
  • Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils, as well as Courts and Prosecutorial offices, improve the financial and administrative management of their institutions and the communication with court users.
  • Judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals improve their application of ethical and disciplinary procedures in line with European standards and best practices.
  • Judges and prosecutors are recruited, promoted and evaluated according to improved standards
  • Center for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution Service is efficient, using confidently and applying new approaches and methods to plan, implement, evaluate and improve training programs for judges and prosecutors
  • The Centre for Mediation improves its effectiveness and functioning
Montenegrin website

Project News