Back Fifth Management Meeting of the Project on “Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution in Turkey”

Fifth Management Meeting of the Project on “Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution in Turkey”

The 5th Management Meeting of the European Union-Council of Europe Joint Project on “Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Turkey” was held online on 25 July 2022 with the participation of the representatives of the Directorate General for Legal Affairs, Directorate General for Criminal Affairs, Directorate General for Foreign Relations and EU Affairs of the Ministry of Justice, Council of Europe, and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit.

The objective of the meeting was to share an overview of the activities carried out between April and June 2022 with the Project partners and provide general information on the activities to be implemented between July and September 2022.

During the meeting, it was stated that Project developments in the field of conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and the feedback received regarding the activities implemented have already started to show positive reflections in the field.

Main achievements during the 18 months of project implementation in conciliation in criminal justice system, as well as in mediation/arbitration, were shared with the participants.

Regarding the conciliation component, achievements were, among others, (1) setting standards of the basic training for conciliators through training of trainers on 9 modules from restorative justice to communication and negotiation, (2) producing a manual for public prosecutors, judges, conciliators, lawyers; and (3) practical handbook, brochures, posters, and a video on conciliation, which provides the general public with step-by-step guidance on the conciliation process and which raise awareness on conciliation in Türkiye.

Regarding the mediation/arbitration component, some of the achievements were underlined as (1) raising awareness through seminars on the regulations in the areas of mediation and arbitration and the practices by leading organisations in international trade and investment and co-mediation, (2) producing a practical handbook, guidebooks, public information leaflets and posters and a video on mediation and arbitration to facilitate increased awareness on ADR mechanisms and promote them among the target groups.

The Joint Project on “Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution in Turkey” is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Türkiye – Directorate General for Criminals Affairs and Directorate General for Legal Affairs are the end beneficiaries of the Project. The Central Finance and Contracts Unit is the contracting authority.

Ankara 25 July 2022
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