Geri Call for Tender - Provision of services for the research component within the framework of the Project on “Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education”.

Call for Tender - Provision of services for the research component within the framework of the Project on “Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education”.

The Council of Europe is looking for service providers/consultants to deliver diverse tasks related to the provision of services for the research component within the framework of the Project on “Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education”.


In order to be eligible to submit an offer, the tenderers shall have the below-listed criteria:


  • Minimum 3 years of proven work experience, in development of research design, quantitative and qualitative research methods, statistical methods, survey design and sampling, evaluation techniques and reporting;
  • Have a good command of written and spoken English (at least C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference) for natural persons only.


Award criteria

Criterion 1: Technical criteria (80%), including:


  • Proven work experience in the development of educational research design, quantitative and qualitative research methods, statistical methods, survey design and sampling, evaluation techniques and reporting preferably on current educational issues, education policies, school environment, school governance, teaching and learning, family and community links, human rights and democratic school culture, emergencies in education, etc. (50%)
  • Technical and professional capacity to perform the contract, including relevant qualifications and expertise of key personnel (20%)
  • Knowledge on and experience in projects/works on human rights and democracy education will be an asset (5%)
  • Working with public organisations and international organizations in similar projects will be an asset (5%).


Criterion 2: Financial offer (20%)


Tenders scoring less than 10% for the award criteria combined will be deemed to be of insufficient quality and excluded from the final evaluation.

If you are interested in the offer, please submit the documents below:

· A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement;

· A detailed CV, preferably in Europass Format, demonstrating clearly that the tenderer fulfils the eligibility criteria, for natural persons only;

· A detailed information (list of works) on the tenderer’s relevant previous works;

· A portfolio consists of relevant samples of previous works (with minimum two samples about educational research);

  • 2-page research proposal including the tentative timeline;
  • A scanned copy of a valid photographic proof of identity (e.g. passport), for natural persons only (including from owners and executive officers of legal persons);
  • A list of CVs of key personnel for legal persons only

· A list of all owners and executive officers, for legal person only.


All documents shall be submitted in English, failure to do so will result in the exclusion of the tender.


Please send the documents to the following e-mail address: [email protected] by 25 November 2021, 18:00.


Tenders shall be submitted by email only (with attachments) to the email address indicated above, with the following reference in subject: Services for Research Component of the SCOD Project. Tenders addressed to another email address will be rejected. All questions shall be submitted to [email protected] at least 2 (two) working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders and shall be exclusively addressed to the email address indicated above with the following reference in subject: Question - Services for Research Component of the SCOD Project


  1. Act of Engagement
  2. Terms of Reference
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