Sport brings people together. At its best, it contributes to their health and happiness, breaking down barriers and building trust and community spirit. For over five decades, the Council of Europe has advocated fair play and respect in sport, tackling corruption and helping make sport safe, ethical and accessible to all. This work contributes to the creation of inclusive, democratic societies which respect human rights and the rule of law – the Council of Europe’s raison d’être.

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Back "Advancing Human rights, democracy and the rule of law in and through sport":  discover the Council of Europe’s priorities for Sport for 2022-2025

The Council of Europe has set its priorities in the field of sport for the next four years (2022-2025), in accordance with the strategic framework of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the decisions taken at the Hamburg Ministerial Session (May 2021).

In the light of the evolving threats to sport, such as doping, violence at sporting events, discrimination, manipulation of sports competitions, corruption and Human rights violations, these priorities should help to strengthen sport as a value-based activity and ensure that Human rights are embedded in sport. They are structured around three strategic axes:

  • Placing the protection of Human rights and respect for the rule of law in sport firmly on the agenda of governments and sports organisations;
  • Striving for major advances in the promotion of values-driven sport;
  • Reaffirming the key role of the Council of Europe as a reliable and essential partner in addressing European and global challenges in the field of sport.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Council of Europe relies on the co-ordinated action of its two driving forces - the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) and the Sport Conventions  - which have now been brought together in a single entity, the Sport Division.

The Sport Division will focus its work on the promotion and implementation of the recently revised European Sports Charter, a reference text for the development of sport in Europe, and on the promotion of its thematic Conventions against doping, against the manipulation of sports competitions and for safety, security and services at sports events, which, owing to their international scope and their mandatory nature for their States Parties, contribute to the creation of a sports environment that respects democratic processes, Human rights and the rule of law.

Furthermore, the Council of Europe stresses the need to continue and strengthen co-operation with stakeholders, both in-house with other Council of Europe sectors, but also with international organisations and partners and with sports organisations in order to promote good governance and Council of Europe standards and values in sport.

The Council of Europe Sport Division is responsible for the development, promotion and implementation of ground-breaking legal instruments aimed at protecting the integrity and values of sport whilst promoting Human rights.

Sport Division Strasbourg, France 25 February 2022
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