Sport brings people together. At its best, it contributes to their health and happiness, breaking down barriers and building trust and community spirit. For over five decades, the Council of Europe has advocated fair play and respect in sport, tackling corruption and helping make sport safe, ethical and accessible to all. This work contributes to the creation of inclusive, democratic societies which respect human rights and the rule of law – the Council of Europe’s raison d’être.

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Back European Commission endorses achievements of project KCOOS

European Commission endorses achievements of project KCOOS

The Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs officially approved the final report of the KCOOS (Keep Crime Out of Sport); the project was co-financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe from January 2016 to June 2017.

DG-HOME highlighted that the objectives of the project were successfully developed with high quality multiple deliverables. The project was appreciated for having had a wide impact at EU and international level, thanks to the excellent dissemination strategy implemented, and also for having raised awareness regarding the Council of Europe’s Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions.

Project KCOOS provided tailored technical assistance to 33 European countries for the effective implementation of the principles of the Macolin Convention. The project involved over 250 representatives of various public and private stakeholders, creating a basis for a large transnational co-operation. The “KCOOS Guidebook”, which encapsulates the most significant experiences from participating countries, is a unique compilation of important concepts, tools and good practices helping national and international stakeholders to prepare for the entry into force of the Convention.

The Council of Europe, with the support of Member States and partner organizations is now pursuing and developing the process through the global KCOOS+ project which will run until the end of 2020.

Strasbourg, France 7 February 2018
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The Committee of Ministers adopts a declaration on sport integrity

EPAS 27 September 2023 Strasbourg, France

In a declaration adopted on 27 September 2023, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers invites member states and sport organisations to “promote transparency, accountability, democracy and ethical behaviour in sport, including the establishment of robust governance systems,...

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