Launch of the "All In Plus" joint EU-CoE project
Promoting greater gender equality in sport
10 May 2023, 9.30am - 5pm
Hybrid format (online / Strasbourg)
Organised by the Council of Europe's Sport Division within the framework of the Icelandic Presidency of the Council of Europe
Gender equality is a fundamental principle and essential aim for both the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU). The CoE and the EU are pursuing their co-operation in the field of gender equality in sport in the framework of the joint project “All In Plus” (1 March 2023 – 28 February 2025). The EU High-Level Group on Gender Equality in Sport indeed highlighted the success of the joint EU-CoE project “All In” (March 2018 – October 2019) and stressed the need to develop and implement it further: "Towards more gender equality in sport: recommendations and action plan from the High-Level Group on Gender Equality in sport" (2022).
The overarching goal of All In Plus is to highlight the benefits of greater gender equality in sport. The key objectives are to ensure that the relative invisibility of women in sport and the ongoing lack of awareness about gender imbalance in sport and related issues are brought clearly to the forefront.
The project is structured around three pillars:
- Data collection and analysis in six key areas (leadership, coaching/officiating, participation, media/communication, gender-based violence in sport, gender equality policies and programmes);
- Creation of an online resource centre containing best practice examples;
- Work with and through the media to ensure greater awareness-raising about gender inequalities in sport.
During the launch event, representatives of institutions and the sport movement, as well as academics, journalists, athletes and experts, presented the situation in their areas of competence, discussed recurrent challenges and shared ideas and solutions to improve gender equality in sport.
The EU-CoE joint project "ALL IN: towards gender balance in sport" aimed at implementing a broad data collection campaign on gender equality in sport based on a set of generally agreed indicators in five strategic fields (leadership, coaching, participation, media/communication and gender-based violence), and producing concrete tools to help public authorities and sport organisations when developing policies and strategic actions aimed at tackling gender inequalities in sport, and adopting a gender mainstreaming approach. 18 countries took part in the data collection process.
Gender equality is an important policy goal of the Council of Europe. Priority areas of intervention are defined by the Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023 and working methods include intergovernmental work, co-operation projects and gender mainstreaming.
For more information please send us an email at sport.epas[at]
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport