Back Launch of a new e-learning course on the Convention on safety, security and service at sports events

Launch of a new e-learning course on the Convention on safety, security and service at sports events

On 4 December 2018, on the occasion of a networking event around the Saint-Denis Convention, which took place at the Strasbourg “Iceberg” Ice-Hockey Arena, the Sport Conventions Division introduced the launch of the new Council of Europe e-learning course on safety, security and service at sports events.

This event gathered Permanent Representatives of the Member States to the Council of Europe and the Delegates of the Standing Committee of the European Convention on Spectator Violence (T-RV) on the occasion of an ice-hockey match between “L’Etoile Noire” of Strasbourg and the “Rapaces” of Gap.

This new e-learning course is the result of the Council of Europe/European Union joint project entitled “Promoting and Strengthening the Council of Europe standards on safety, security and service at football matches and other sports events” (PROS4+). It comprises eight modules, which contain elements to lead effective and efficient safety, security and service management during the organisation of sports events with the ultimate aim of making football matches and other sports events safer, more secure and more welcoming. This online open course primarily intends to serve public officials and practitioners in the fields of safety, security and service. Nevertheless, it can also be useful for other professionals such as legal professionals and health workers, as well as academics and students. At the end of the eight modules, the candidate, having passed all the intermediate tests, will receive a certification. The course is now available on the sports division website:

This special evening was the occasion for Permanent Representatives to have a better insight into the Organisation’s work in the field of sport and in particular the importance of the Saint-Denis Convention, its relevance for the preparation of major sports events, such as the coming UEFA EURO 2020, and of course to meet the key stakeholders. Moreover, delegates of the T-RV Standing Committee had the possibility of learning more about the wider aspects of the Council of Europe’s activities and see how their work fits into it.

Mrs Elda Moreno, Head of the Children’s Rights and Sport Values Department, Directorate General of Democracy, Council of Europe, opened this festive event and addressed the Permanent Representatives: “I would like to invite the Permanent Representatives to help us promote the Saint-Denis Convention. As you may know, 30 countries have already signed it, of which 8 have also ratified, but we need many more countries to implement it effectively in Europe.”

Mr Adrian Dinca, Chair of the Standing Committee, gave an insight on the Convention and its philosophy: a « multi-agency integrated approach », which means that the only way to succeed when organising a major sport event is to work together, each of us making our contribution, and relying on the three pillars of safety, security and service.

We strongly invite you to register and take the new e-learning course and enjoy it!

Strasbourg 16/01/2019
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