Back EPAS Consultative Committee (CC) to host a webinar on physical education and school sport on 21 February

EPAS Consultative Committee (CC) to host a webinar on physical education and school sport on 21 February

What is the specificity of sport as a tool to promote Human rights and democracy? What good practices can be used to promote positive values and inclusion in sport for young people? These two questions and more will be explored in the upcoming EPAS Consultative Committee (CC) webinar entitled "Physical education and school sports: a creative approach to Human rights and democracy".

The webinar, which will be held via video conference on 21 February 2022 (3pm-5pm CET), will bring together representatives and experts from the Council of Europe, national institutions, organised sport and academia to discuss the relevance of school sport and physical education as a tool for promoting Human rights and democracy. In addition, the webinar will examine how physical education teachers and coaches can implement a values-based approach to physical education and sports training in line with the revised European Sports Charter.

 The factsheet, draft programme and a compilation of Council of Europe and EPAS resources on physical education and school sport are available on the webinar webpage.

To register, please complete and submit the webinar registration form, available in English and French.

Consultative Committee Strasbourg, France 21 February 2022
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