Back Call for tender: opportunity to provide photos in the sport domain

Call for tender: opportunity to provide photos in the sport domain

The Council of Europe’s sport sector is currently implementing and planning several projects on a variety of topics and will therefore constantly requires quality, professional photos to fill its website’s content and for use in publications (handbooks, guides, leaflets, annual reports, etc.) and in promotional materials (presentations, banners, notebooks, goodies, videos, rollups, etc.).

In this context, it has launched a call for tender for the provision of photos in the sport domain on an as-needed basis.

Please refer to the Act of Engagement, and Terms of reference for further details.

  Candidates are invited to submit their proposal including the duly completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement, not later than 21 July 2020.

 Proposals are to be sent either in English or French according to the instructions in the terms of reference.

Strasbourg, France 7 July 2020
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