Back 2nd meeting of the Ad hoc group on the Revision of the Anti-Doping Convention

2nd meeting of the Ad hoc group on the Revision of the Anti-Doping Convention

At the 14th Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport, held in Budapest on 29 November 2016, the following resolution was adopted with regard to the future of the Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention:

  • “Ask the Monitoring Group to the Anti-Doping Convention (T-DO) to explore the need and possibility of reviewing the Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention with a view to considering making recommendations to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe regarding its possible revision.”

Based on this resolution, an Ad Hoc Group on the Revision of the Anti-Doping Convention was established under the chairmanship of Mr Steven Teitler (Netherlands).

This 2nd meeting of the Ad Hoc Group will take place in the Council of Europe premises in Paris on 19 November 2018.

Paris, France 19 November 2018
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