
As public authorities or sport organisations, you are acting in meaningful ways towards safer and healthier environments for child and young athletes. To assist you in this often-challenging process, Start to Talk has created this self-assessment tool.

This tool is designed to be used by national sport public authorities and sport organisations. Having a clearer picture of your current child safeguarding framework is essential to creating and implementing stronger structures and procedures, as well as creating relevant partnerships and promoting multi-stakeholder collaboration. It is recommended that organisations complete the self-assessment tool every year.

The questionnaire is composed of 84 self-assessment items, and each item can be answered with:

  • Yes (100%): Activity/measure entirely implemented in your organisation.
  • Partially (50%): Activity/measure initiated or partially implemented.
  • No (0%): No activity/measure in place.
  • Not applicable: Activity/measure not applicable to your organisation.
    "Not applicable” entries will not be taken into consideration for the final score. If you do not wish to answer a question, it will be considered “Not applicable” by default.

Responses to the questionnaire are scored for guidance purposes only.

This self-assessment tool was created in collaboration with researchers Louis Moustakas, Lisa Kalina and Dr Karen Petry. The tool is divided into nine pillars that align with the building blocks included in the “International Safeguards for Children in Sport” as further adapted in the framework of the European Union-Council of Europe joint project “Child Safeguarding in Sport”.

Please note that the session cannot be saved, so the operation must be carried out at once. At the end of the questionnaire, you will obtain a printable PDF file with your results. The self-assessment user identity as well as the information provided remain confidential and the data are neither collected nor disseminated. For more information, please consult the Council of Europe's rules on protection of personal data and confidentiality.

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Your results


All the answers of this section are "not applicable"
{{getSectionAverage(sectionIndex) | number:0}}%
Not applicable

Thank you for completing the Safeguarding Self-Assessment Tool!

What comes next?

This is only one of the tools that Start to Talk offers to stakeholders interested in strengthening their safe structures and procedures for children. The Online Resource Centre for Child Safeguarding in Sport collects examples of existing practice and a set of resources to help you develop an awareness-raising campaign, promote training among professionals in contact with children and implement a case-management system.

If your organisation needs further assistance with the planning and implementation of child safeguarding policies or the organisation of awareness-raising campaigns or training activities, please contact us.