International Conference on Strengthening Co-operation on Cybercrime and E-evidence in Africa

Rabat, Morocco, 6-7 March 2023


Cybercrime is a complex and rapidly evolving transnational phenomenon that poses a significant threat to human rights, democracy and the rule of law as well as to national and international security. Moreover, with the increasing use of information and communication technologies, any type of crime may entail evidence on computer systems. Such electronic evidence is often stored in foreign, multiple, shifting or unknown jurisdictions; obtaining e-evidence poses major challenges to criminal justice authorities.

This is equally true for Africa where the internet use has evolved rapidly. The continent had around 570 million internet users in 2022, a number that more than doubled compared to 2015 and that placed the region ahead of other regions such as North America, South America and the Middle East. As of January 2022, Morocco had an internet penetration of approximately 84.1 percent, making it the country with the highest internet penetration in Africa. 

Adressing cybercrime has become a priority for many African countries that have adopted domestic legislation and taken steps towards adhering to agreements such as the Budapest on Cybercrime and the Malabo Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection in order to facilitate international cooperation.

Morocco is a Party to the Budapest Convention since 2018 and the first African signatory of its Second Addition Protocol on Enhanced Co-operation and the Disclosure of Electronic Evidence, which was open for signature on 12 May 2022. 

Effective international co-operation has never been more relevant. Strengthened co-operation among African countries and at international level, as well as with the private sector, academia and civil society is further needed.

The benefits of such a cooperative approach was reconfirmed on the occasion of the First African Forum on Cybercrime and the Second African Forum organised by the African Union Commission and the Council of Europe and supported by INTERPOL, the European Union, UNODC, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the U.S. Department of Justice, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, ECOWAS and many others.

In order to add further impetus to efforts on cybercrime by African countries, the Ministry of Justice of Morocco and the Council of Europe have, therefore, agreed to jointly organise the present conference.


 Day 1 - 6 March 2023

  • Welcoming remarks 
  • Threats and current trends on cybercrime
  • International frameworks: Overview of the Budapest and Malabo Conventions
  • Legislation, policies and strategies on cybercrime
  • Key findings and conclusions


 Day 2 - 7 March 2023

  • Tools of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its protocols
  • Regional and international initiatives
  • Cooperation with the private sector and academia
  • Capacity building initiatives in the fight against cybercrime
  • Key findings and conclusions

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Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola
Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola Chair of the African Union Cyber Security Expert Group
Akilimali Shema
Akilimali Shema Division Manager, Cybercrime Investigation, Rwanda Investigation Bureau
Albert Antwi-Boasiako
Albert Antwi-Boasiako Director-General of the Cyber Security Authority, Ghana
Alexander Oppong
Alexander Oppong Head of Capacity Building and Awareness Creation - Cyber Security Authority (CSA), Ghana
Alexander Seger
Alexander Seger Executive Secretary of the Cybercrime Convention Committee, Council of Europe
Alexandra-Adina Asgari
Alexandra-Adina Asgari Advisor Working Group Cybercrime, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise
Anand Ramaswamy
Anand Ramaswamy ICHIP Addis Ababa, USDOJ, US Mission to the African Union
Balbine Manga
Balbine Manga Lawyer and founder of @JURIS.TIC, Cameroon
Ben Ruhinda
Ben Ruhinda Project Coordinator dSkills@EA, Inter-University Council for East Africa
Bjørn Berge
Bjørn Berge Deputy Secretary General, Council of Europe
Carmen Morte-Gomez
Carmen Morte-Gomez Head of the Council of Europe Office in Morocco
Catalina Stroe
Catalina Stroe Programme Manager, Glacy+ Project, Council of Europe
Chokri Ben Mansour
Chokri Ben Mansour Ministry of Technologies and Communication, Tunisia
Clementine Marcq
Clementine Marcq Investigation Specialist, BINANCE
Conrad C Daly
Conrad C Daly Senior Counsel, Human Development and Technology, The World Bank
Cyril Voisin
Cyril Voisin EMEA Chief Security Advisor, MICROSOFT
Denise Mazzolani
Denise Mazzolani Programme Manager CyberSouth, Council of Europe
Eudoxie Akouavi Marie Christiane Akakpo
Eudoxie Akouavi Marie Christiane Akakpo Magistrate, Court of Appeal of Abomey, Benin
Eva Pastrana
Eva Pastrana Head of Justice and Human Rights Training Division, Council of Europe
Flavio Tonon
Flavio Tonon Investigations Specialist, BINANCE
Folake Olagunju
Folake Olagunju Commission of the Economic Community of West African States
Guichard Tsangou
Guichard Tsangou Director of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy, Economic Community of Central African States
H. E. Abdellatif Ouahbi
H. E. Abdellatif Ouahbi Minister of Justice, Morocco
H. E. Patricia Llombart-Cussac
H. E. Patricia Llombart-Cussac Ambassador of the European Union to Morocco
H. E. Séverin Quenum
H. E. Séverin Quenum Minister of Justice and Legislation, Benin
H.E. Cooper W. Kruah
H.E. Cooper W. Kruah Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Liberia
H.E. Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley
H.E. Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley Minister of Justice and Attorney-General, Sierra Leone
H.E. Sergio Esono Abeso Tomo
H.E. Sergio Esono Abeso Tomo Minister of Justice, Cult and Penitentiary Institutions, Equatorial Guinea
Hein Dreis
Hein Dreis Key Expert, OCWAR-C the «West African Response on Cybersecurity and Fight against Cybercrime »
Jacob Munodawafa
Jacob Munodawafa Executive Secretary, Southern African Development Community
Jamila Akaaga Ade
Jamila Akaaga Ade Federal Ministry of Justice, Nigeria
Kevin Andy
Kevin Andy Cybercrime Directorate, INTERPOL
Lauren Missler
Lauren Missler Cybercrime Directorate, INTERPOL
Lina Oueidat
Lina Oueidat Adviser to the Prime Minister for Information Technology Affairs, Lebanon
Lourino Alberto Chemane
Lourino Alberto Chemane Chairman of the Board of the National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Mozambique
Margaret Nyambura Ndung'u
Margaret Nyambura Ndung'u Co-Executive Director, Network of African Women in Cybersecurity
Marlene Brito Barreto Almeida Dias
Marlene Brito Barreto Almeida Dias Director General of Justice Policy, Ministry of Justice, Cape Verde
Marouan Hajouji
Marouan Hajouji General Directorate of National Security, Morocco
Mohamed Amine Jardani
Mohamed Amine Jardani Magistrate, Directorate of Criminal Cases and Penal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Morocco
Nametso Mothoka
Nametso Mothoka Deputy Secretary for Legislative Drafting Attorney General’s Chambers, Botswana
Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo
Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo Buckinghamshire New University, United Kingdom
Papa Assane Touré
Papa Assane Touré Deputy General Secretary of the Government, Senegal
Rachid Ouadifi
Rachid Ouadifi Adviser to the Minister of Justice, Morocco
Sachindra Reechaye
Sachindra Reechaye Computer Emergency Response Team, Mauritius
Sam Hall
Sam Hall Cyber Policy Lead, UK Office to the African Union
Samia Chakri
Samia Chakri Director of Modernization and Information Systems, Ministry of Justice, Morocco
Sanusi Drammeh
Sanusi Drammeh Ministry of Information & Communication Infrastructure, The Gambia
Sulakshna Beekarry Sunasse
Sulakshna Beekarry Sunasse Assistant Solicitor General, Attorney General’s Office, Mauritius
Yahya Ouzen
Yahya Ouzen Law Enforcement Outreach Manager, META
Younes Guida
Younes Guida Director of Legal Affairs, Morocco Telecom
Youssef Bentaleb
Youssef Bentaleb President of Moroccan Center for Polytechnic Research and Innovation, Ibn Tofail University