The Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention, ETS No. 185) and its Protocols

Convention on Cybercrime 

  Treaty Office: Details of the Convention (ETS No. 185)

  Text of the Budapest Convention

Guidance Notes           

  Read all of the Guidance Notes

Publications of the Council of Europe

 PDF Booklets (Convention, Protocols, Guidance notes)

 Special editions:

  What are the benefits and impact of the Convention on Cybercrime?

The Budapest Convention is more than a legal document; it is a framework that permits hundreds of practitioners from Parties to share experience and create relationships that facilitate cooperation in specific cases, including in emergency situations, beyond the specific provisions foreseen in this Convention.

Any country may make use of the Budapest Convention as a guideline, check list or model law. Furthermore, becoming a Party to this treaty entails additional advantages. 

  • Consult the Leaflet on the Budapest Convention benefits [ EN / FR / ESP ] - (Latest update: June 2024)
  • Read the full report: The Budapest Convention on Cybercrime: benefits and impact in practice [ EN / FR ].

  Who are the Parties to the Budapest Convention?

Any State may accede to the Convention under the procedure set out in Article 37.

Once a (draft) law is available that indicates that a State already has implemented or is likely to implement the provisions of the Budapest Convention in domestic law, the Minister of Foreign Affairs (or another authorised representative) would send a letter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe stating the interest of his or her State to accede to the Budapest Convention. Once there is agreement among the current Parties to the Convention, the State would be invited to accede.
Find out below who are the current Parties, signatories and countries that have been invited to accede.



 Bosnia and Herzegovina


 Cabo Verde

 Costa Rica

  Côte d'Ivoire



 Dominican Republic












 North Macedonia


 Moldova (Republic of)
 San Marino

Sierra Leone

 Sri Lanka




 Türkiye (Republic of)
 United Kingdom
 United States of America
signatories and invited to accede
 Burkina Faso









 New Zealand


 Papua New Guinea


 São Tomé and Príncipe

 South Africa


 Trinidad and Tobago



in brief




countries have signed or been invited to accede*

* See the full list here



Budapest Convention
Official and non-official languages

1st Additional Protocol
Official and non-official languages

2nd Additional Protocol

- EU Official languages -
Other EU official languages

- Other languages -



Explanatory videos

Budapest Convention
EN /
 FR / ES

First Additional Protocol
/ FR / ES

Second Additional Protocol
EN /
 FR / ES

24/7 Network

The Council of Europe supports the functioning of the 24/7 Network established according to Article 35 of the Budapest Convention as a tool for expedited international cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence.

How does the Network function in practice and who are its members?