CyberEast+ Documentation
The CyberEast+ project is a direct follow-up to previous capacity building efforts in the Eastern Partnership and continues to build upon similar themes – strong legislative framework implementing the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, e-evidence in terms of legislation and policies, capacities for investigation, prosecution and adjudication as well as international and public/private co-operation, in line with the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Second Protocol and in line with European Union priorities for the Eastern Partnership region.
The project also focuses on imporving policies and legislation, stronger capacities of criminal justice authorities, enhanced co-operation on the basis of the Second Protocol to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, and reinforced synergies between criminal justice and cybersecurity responses to cyberthreats in the region.
- NEW CyberEast+ Enhanced action on cybercrime for cyber resilience in Eastern Partnership States, Concept Note
- Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime ( Budapest Convention) on enhanced co-operation and disclosure of electronic evidence: English- French- Spanish
- Budapest Convention: English
- Explanatory report to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime: English - French
- Additional Protocol on Xenophobia and Racism: English - French
- Explanatory report to the Additional Protocol on Xenophobia and Racism: English - French
- Second Aditional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime: English - French
- State of play: cybercrime and e-evidence in Eastern Partnership countries