International Network of National Judicial Trainers (INJT)



Supported by the capacity building projects of the Cybercrime Programme Office

 In 2019, the Council of Europe initiated discussions on the feasibility and sustainability of establishing an international network of national judicial trainers (INJT) on cybercrime and electronic evidence.

 The Network was created in 2021, following the adoption of its Terms of Reference and governance model. The Network's objective is to offer a platform for sharing experiences and continuous knowledge building for the trainers previously trained under the capacity building projects of the Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC). The work  of the Network is guided by the 2009 concept note on judicial training, developed by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Lisbon Network of judicial training institutions, and the set of Principles of Judicial Training on cybercrime and electronic evidence.

 The Network has now 16 participating countries and more than 300 criminal justice professionals benefited from the capacity building activities conducted under its framework.

   In Focus

   CYBOX platform

         Coming soon

 Series of practitioner-to-practitioner webinars 

 Monthly webinars delivered by the members of the Network on selected topics

   Upcoming events:

16 Sept 2024 : 5th P2P webinar

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