WEBINAR 1 - Crime Scene and Live Data

  • Dong Uk KIM, INTERPOL GLACY+ Project
  • Carlota URRUELA, ECTEG Capacity Building Officer
  • Fabio BRUNO, INTERPOL Digital Forensic Analyst
  • Mike O’CALLAGHAN, FREETOOL Project Lead, UCD
 Date and time
  • Monday, 21 September 2020 | 12:00 PM UTC
 Duration and language
  • 1h | English only
  • only for officials from criminal justice authorities (law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges)


WEBINAR 2 - Mobile Network and Devices

  • Dong Uk KIM, INTERPOL GLACY+ Project
  • Christopher CHURCH, Senior Mobile Forensics Specialist, INTERPOL



 Date and time
  • Tuesday, 22 September 2020 | 12:00 PM UTC
 Duration and language
  • 1h | English only
  • only for officials from criminal justice authorities (law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges)


WEBINAR 3 - Virtual Asset Seizure

  • Dong Uk KIM, INTERPOL GLACY+ Project
  • Sandi PIRC, Digital Crime Analyst, INTERPOL
  • Sang-Eun Christine LEE, Sen. Inspector, South Korean Police
 Date and time
  • Thursday, 24 September 2020 | 12:00 PM UTC
 Duration and language
  • 1h | English only
  • only for officials from criminal justice authorities (law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges)