Completed projects
- Support to the prison reform and fight against radicalisation in prisons in Albania (Voluntary Contribution) / 2017-2018
- Enhancing the protection of human rights of prisoners in Albania in line with Council of Europe and European Committee for Prevention of Torture (CPT) standards (Horizontal Facility) / 2017-2018
- Enhancing the protection of human rights of prisoners in Albania (Horizontal Facility II) / 2020-2022
- Reducing the use of custodial sentences in line with European standards (Voluntary Contribution) / 2013-2014
- Support to the Establishment of Probation Service (Voluntary Contribution) / 2014-2017
- Strengthening healthcare and human rights protection in prisons (PGG) / 2015-2018
- Support to scaling-up of the probation service in Armenia (Voluntary Contribution) / 2019-2022
- Enhancing Health care and Human Rights protection in prisons in Armenia (Voluntary Contribution) / 2019-2022
- Strengthening the Probation service in Armenia (Action Plan) / 2023-2024
- Strengthening the protection of the rights of persons in detention (Action Plan) / 2023-2024
- Further support to the penitentiary reform (Joint Programme) / 2016-2018
- SPERA 2 - Further Support to the Penitentiary Reform in Azerbaijan (Joint Programme) / 2018-2020
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Harmonisation of sanctions policies and practices with European standards (Joint Programme) / 2013-2016
- Support to prison staff training (Voluntary Contribution) / 2011-2013
- Supporting reintegration of violent and extremist prisoners (Voluntary Contribution) / 2017-2018
- Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons (Horizontal Facility) / 2017-2019
- Structured sentence management for violent and extremist prisoners (Voluntary Contribution) / 2018-2021
- Strenghtening Human Rights treatment of detained persons based on European standards and best practices (Horizontal Facility II) / 2019-2022
- Support to sustainable rehabilitation of violent extremist prisoners (VEPs) (Voluntary Contribution) / 2021-2022
- Ensuring Sustainable Penitentiary Actions in managing rehabilitation of violent extremist prisoners ESPA-VEP (Action Plan) / 2022-2024
- Human rights protection and further development of necessary skills and knowledge of police officers, especially those working in multi-ethnic environment, including ROMA communities (Norway Grants – Programme area 30: Schengen Cooperation and combating cross-border and organized crime, inlucing trafficking and itinerant criminal groups)
- Support for the implementation of ECtHR judgments and CPT standards and recommendations (Voluntary Contribution) / 2017-2018
- Providing overall advice at programme level as Donor Programme Partner (Norway Grants – Programme area 32: Correctional service, including non-custodial sanctions)
- Human Rights and Healthcare in prisons and other closed institutions (Joint Programme) / 2013-2016
- Human Rights and healthcare in prisons and other closed institutions II (PGG) / 2016-2018
- Improving mental healthcare of persons detained in Georgia (Voluntary Contribution) / 2018-2019
- Enhancement of Human Rights and Health care support to the Penitentiary System (Action Plan) / 2016-2019
- JADES "Juvenile and Adults Detainees Support" (Voluntary Contribution) / 2019-2021
- Enhancing healthcare provision in Georgia's penitentiary system (Action Plan) / 2022-2023
- HRCPG - Human Rights compliant policing (Action Plan) / 2022-2023
- Strenghtening prison health care in Greece (Voluntary Contribution)
- Improving the standard of Latvian State Police detention centres (Norway Grants – Programme area 32: Correctional service, including non-custodial sanctions)
- Promoting a human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova (Voluntary Contribution) / 2018-2021
- SPPRH - Strengthening the prison and probation reforms, provision of health care and treatment of patients in closed institutions (Voluntary Contribution) / 2021-2024
- Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons (Horizontal Facility) / 2016-2019
- Further Enhancing Human Rights protection for detained and sentenced persons (Horizontal Facility II) / 2019-2022
North Macedonia
- Capacity Building of the Law Enforcement Agencies for Appropriate Treatment of Detained and Sentenced Persons (Joint Programme) / 2012-2015
- Support to the Establishment of an External Oversight Mechanism (Voluntary Contribution) / 2015-2016
- Enhancing human rights policing (Horizontal Facility) 2017-2019
- Strengthening the protection of the rights of sentenced persons (Horizontal Facility) 2017-2019
- Enhancing penitentiary system External Oversight Mechanism (Horizontal Facility II) 2019-2022
- Criminal justice responses to overcrowding of prisons (PGG) / 2015-2016
- Enhancing penitentiary capacities in addressing radicalisation in prisons in Western Balkans (Horizontal Facility II)
- Strengthening the capacity of the pre-trial detention system to comply with the relevant international human rights instruments (Norway Grants – Programme area 32: Correctional service, including non-custodial sanctions) / 2016-2017
- Strengthening the provision of health care and mental health care in prisons / 2022-2023
- Further strengthening the provision of health care and mental health care in prisons and other closed institutions / 2024
- Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons (Horizontal Facility I) / 2017-2018
- Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons (Horizontal Facility II) / 2019-2022
- Dissemination of Model Prison Practices and Promotion of the Prison Reform (Joint Programme) / 2009-2012
- Enhancing the effectiveness of Civil Monitoring Boards in line with European Standards (Voluntary Contribution) / 2019-2022
- Support for Prison Reform (Joint Programme) / 2010-2013
- Further support for the penitentiary reform (PGG) / 2014-2017
- SPERU - Further Support to the Penitentiary Reform in Ukraine (Joint Programme) / 2019-2022
- SPERU+ - Further support to the Penitentiary reform in Ukraine (Joint Programme) / 2023
- Enhancing Human Rights in Policing in Kosovo* (Horizontal Facility) / 2018-2019
- Enhancing the protection of human rights of prisoners in line with Council of Europe and European Committee for Prevention of Torture (CPT) standards (Horizontal Facility) / 2017-2019
Multi-country projects
- NA-FAMED (Needs Assessment - Falsified Medical Products) (Voluntary Contribution)
- Fight against Offences relating to Cultural Property (Voluntary Contribution)
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.