The Council of Europe will assist the national authorities in overcoming the identified shortcomings and practical deficiencies related to the protection of the human rights in the country in line with the international standards and best practices. This project is implemented in close cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a wider group of national partners and stakeholders, including the Ombudsman / National Preventive Mechanism, the Standing Inquiry Committee for Protection of Civil Rights and Freedoms , the Public Prosecutor’ s Office, judiciary and prominent civil society organisations active in the field of protection and promotion of human rights.

The project is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe as part of the “Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey” (Horizontal Facility) and implemented by the Council of Europe. It aims to introduce effective oversight over police work through establishing an external mechanism and to improve human rights compliance by the police through strengthening the safeguards against ill-treatment and enhancing the internal police investigative mechanism.

This project is expected to be completed by 23 May 2019, with an overall budget of EUR 550,000.

Project news

Enhancing the cooperation between the newly established External Oversight Mechanism with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions

15 April 2019 Skopje

A workshop focusing on enhancing the relations and cooperation between the newly established External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) with the state authorities took place on 15 April 2019 in Skopje. It gathered public prosecutors from the specialized unit within the Prosecutor’s Office, Deputy...

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Round tables for presentation of the newly-established External Oversight Mechanism over the police work

6-7-8 February 2019 Skopje, Stip and Bitola

More than 100 participants from various national institutions and civil society learnt of the establishment of the External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) over the police work at three round tables, which took place in Skopje (6 February), Stip (7 February) and Bitola (8 February 2019). The round...

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Study visit to the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany on policing

25-27 February 2018 State of Brandenburg, Germany

A 3-day study visit to the Police Service of the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany was organized from 23 to 25 January 2018 for a group of 7 senior police officials from the Department for Internal Control, Criminal Investigations and Professional Standards within the Ministry of Internal...

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