Head of Division
Head of Unit I Ms Raluca IVAN
Programme Manager Mr Ilias KALAMARAS
Programme Manager Ms Nino GOBRONIDZE
Programme Manager Ms Sara REKAR
Programme Manager Ms Marjana PAPA
Assistant Ms Marina ACHA-LAJOINIE
Projects Assistant Mr Vladislav SPIRLICENCO
Head of Unit II Mr Donche BOSHKOVSKI
Programme Manager Ms Maria ORESHKINA
Programme Manager Mr Petar JORDANOSKI
Programme Manager Mr Mykhailo ISKRA
Projects Assistant Mr Melih DEDEOGLU
Projects Assistant Ms Gvantsa GEDENIDZE
Albania "Enhancing the protection of Human Rights for prisoners"
Senior Project Officer Ms Antuen SKENDERI
Project Assistant Ms Ediola ISLAMAJ
Montenegro “Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons”
Senior Project Officer Ms Tatjana MIRANOVIC
Project Assistant Ms Bojana RAKOSEVIC
Armenia "Strengthening the probation service"
Senior Project Officer Mr Arman POGHOSYAN
Project Assistant Ms Haykuhi KARAPETYAN
Republic of Moldova SPPRH "Strengthening the prison and probation reforms, provision of health care and treatment of patients in closed institutions"
Programme Manager Ms Violeta FRUNZE
Project Officer Ms Aneta BEJENAR
Linguistic project assistantr Ms Victoria VERSININA
Project Assistant Ms Ala CONDROVA |
Armenia "Strengthening the protection of rights of persons in detention"
Senior Project Officer Ms Diana GHAZARYAN
Project Assistant Ms Alina HOVIKYAN
North Macedonia “Strenghtening the capacities of the penitentiary system”
Senior Project Officer Mr Gjakush KABASHI
Project Assistant Irena BOJADZIEVA
Bosnia and Herzegovina “Further strengthening the treatment of detained and sentenced persons”
Senior Project Officer Ms Marica BENDER
Project Assistant Ms Nejla Sahacic
Serbia “Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons”
Senior Project Officer Ms Milica DJORDJEVIc
Project Assistant Ms Marjana Bozic
Bosnia and Herzegovina “Ensuring Sustainable Penitentiary Actions in managing rehabilitation of violent extremist prisoners”
Senior Project Officer Mr Mirza Omerhodzic
Project Assistant Ms Edina TIRO
Türkiye “Enhancing the Disciplinary and Reward procedures for Prisoners”
Project Manager Ms Ezgi KOCAK
Project Officer Ms Ozlem BOZTAS BAYRAM
Project Assistant Ms Deniz Kahyaoglu
Georgia HRCPG (“Human Rights Compliant Policing in Georgia”)
Senior Project Officer Ms Eteri KAMARAULI
Project Assistant Ms Nino GODERDZISHVILI
Georgia "Support to Penitentiary System reform"
Senior Project Officer Ms Miranda MERKVILADZE
Project Assistant Ms Nino SEBISKVERADZE
Regional Project “Enhancing co-operation in the Western Balkans in managing violent extrmism in prisons & preventing further radicalisation after release”
Senior Project Officer Ms Radmila BOROZAN
Project Manager Mr Predrag SOFRANAC
Project Assistant Ms Dusica ZAFIROVSKA
Project Assistant Ms Venera KAVALLARIS-LADIS
Kosovo* “Improvement of the treatment of persons deprived of liberty”
Senior Project Officer Mr Arben LUBACH
Project Assistant Ms Majlinda JASHANICA
* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo |
Ukraine DECOPRIS ("Towards more humane detention conditions and reduced reoffending")
Project officer Ms Oksana PUGACH
Project assistant Ms Olena BANNIKOVA