As part of the second phase of the European Union and Council of Europe programmatic framework “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey” (Horizontal Facility II), the Council of Europe implemented the Action “Strengthening human rights treatment of detained persons based on European standards and best practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The Action was implemented in close partnership with the three Ministries of Justice, entity Ministries of Interior, as well as with the Ministry of Health of Republika Srpska (RS) and law enforcement agencies at different levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH): State (State Investigation and Protection Agency, Service for Foreigner Affairs, Border Police, Court Police), entity (Court Police) and Brcko District of BiH (Police, Court Police).

The objectives of the Action consisted of enhancing the human rights compliance of law enforcement agencies through application of the gained knowledge and skills in the everyday work of the law enforcement staff, as well as strengthening treatment of prisoners and of forensic patients/offenders through the application of specialised treatment programmes and case management system. The Action also supported the introduction of an Information Technologies System in pilot prisons with the aim of enhancing prisoner data exchange in electronic form.

This Action assisted the authorities in their efforts to comply with standards set in the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and to implement recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture – CPT.

The Action started on 24 May 2019 and was completed on 31 December 2022 with an overall budget of 1000 050 €.



4 November 2022 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

4 November 2022, Mostar - Senior managing police officers from the Federal Police Administration and all 10 Cantonal Ministries of Interior met in Mostar to discuss the efforts to prevent ill-treatment in custody. Police commissioners and Heads of Sectors for Uniform Police agreed on the...

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Steering Committe compliments prison and police professionals on the successful implementation of the Horizontal Facility action in Bosnia and Herzegovina

13 October 2022 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Successful implementation of the Action „Strengthening human rights treatment of detained persons based on European standards and best practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was acknowledged at the final meeting of the Steering Committee held on 12 October 2022 in Banja Luka. This Action is a part...

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Prison staff invite to multidisciplinary approach to treatment of detainees in Bosnia and Herzegovina

23-24 March 2022 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Four treatment and security officers from various prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina completed the training programme on protocols for multidisciplinary cooperation of agencies in custodial environment on 23-24 March 2022 in Sarajevo. This capacity building activity was delivered against the...

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6th Steering Committee Meeting of the Action „Strengthening human rights treatment of detained persons based on European standards and best practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina"

23 March 2022 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Sixth Steering Committee Meeting of the Action „Strengthening human rights treatment of detained persons based on European standards and best practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina ", took place in Sarajevo on 23 March 2022. Representatives of all partner institutions participated in the...

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Detainees' humane treatment increases professionalism of Police in Bosnia and Herzegovina

15-16 March Mostar

Seventeen police officers from various agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina joined peer training on human rights modules on 15-16 March 2022 in Mostar. This capacity building activity was delivered against the background of the resource manual Human rights of persons deprived of liberty in police...

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16 February 2022 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Eighteen police and prison professionals in various establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina have received their human rights trainer accreditations this week. This accreditation recognises the local professionals skills in designing, developing, implementing and evaluating human rights training...

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Council of Europe working with the Court Police in Bosnia and Herzegovina

17 December 2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Following a request from the Court Police of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe, in springtime 2021, to assist and support the increase of security level for the judicial function holders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a pilot project was initiated and launched in...

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Advanced training on application of the rehabilitation tools and programmes for violent extremist prisoners in BiH prisons

18 June 2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Council of Europe continues to support the penitentiary institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) by improving prison staff capacities related to management of violent and extremist prisoners (VEPs). Namely, a 3-day advanced training session for the multidisciplinary teams from the newly...

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First local coordination forum on reintegration of violent extremist prisoners (VEPs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)

15 June 2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The first local coordination forum on prevention of radicalisation in prisons, rehabilitation of VEPs and their reintegration back into the BiH society upon the release, took place in Doboj on 10 June 2021. The forum provided for wider discussion between all relevant stakeholders on their...

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25 March 2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The team of national law enforcement trainers accredited to deliver human rights modules within the European Union/Council of Europe projects received their certificates in March 2021. This concludes a five-month long train the trainers programme and a follow up period in which the national...

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Finalisation of a law enforcement manual complaint with human rights standards in Bosnia and Herzegvina

9 October 2020 Bosnia and Herzegovina

A Working Group formed of law enforcement professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina met on 6-7 October 2020 in Mostar to finalise operational procedures to be applicable across the local law enforcement agencies. An international consultant assisted the group online. The operational procedures are...

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Information technology being introduced in prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

21 July 2020 Sarajevo, BiH

Prison authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina have commissioned the introduction of information technologies in prisons, in light of previous Council of Europe recommendations. The Working group, comprising prison professionals and local consultants, had an online coordination meeting with the...

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Multi-professional group drafts forensic manual in Bosnia and Herzegovina

29 June 2020 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The training teams formed of law enforcement and prison professionals held an online coordination meeting with the project team on 25 June 2020 to design manual for interagency cooperation in the treatment and resocialisation of forensic patients in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The purpose of this...

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Prison professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina coordinate drafting work online

7 May 2020 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The training teams formed of law enforcement and prison professionals held two online coordination meetings with the project team on 21 April and 24 April 2020 to continue drafting manuals for law enforcement agencies and interagency cooperation in the treatment of persons deprived of liberty in...

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Law enforcement trainers working as a team despite social distancing

20 April 2020 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The training team formed of law enforcement and prison professionals had an online coordination meeting with the project team on 15 April 2020 to continue drafting manual for interagency cooperation in the treatment of persons deprived of liberty in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The draft currently...

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