The overall goal of the penitentiary reform programmes implemented by the Council of Europe in Bosnia and Herzegovina was to promote the rule of law and strengthen the protection of human rights in the country. The 42-month project aimed at improving the capacity of prison staff and management, promoted the use of non-custodial sanctions, and strengthened the ability to provide suitable support for prisoners with special needs. It particularly focused on areas within the prisons sector where further improvements were urgently needed, notably improving implementation of alternative sanctions, assessing options for the establishment of probation service(s), further development of training capacities and treatment of vulnerable categories of prisoners.

The expected results of the Project have enabled local policy makers, primarily Ministries of Justice on all levels to develop the prison system(s) further and thereby meet Bosnia and Herzegovina’s international treaty obligations. The aim was to build on the strengths of its humane traditions and foster a network of prisons capable of meeting the increasing needs as regards execution of sentences and imprisonment.

The project was implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Justice of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Justice of Republika Srpska, and their respective prison staff.

The Joint Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe finished in June 2016. It had the overall budget of 1,320,000 EUR.

Project documentation

Project news

Newsletter of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Success story: Harmonisation of BiH sanctions, policies and practices with European standards

30 May 2017 Sarajevo

An efficient, fair and transparent criminal justice and prison system are crucial for the whole society as it is a prerequisite for the respect of human rights. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has committed itself to upholding these fundamental EU principles as a signatory of international...

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Prison Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the key element in the criminal justice system

03/06/2016 Sarajevo

The final conference of two complementary projects on the prison reform was held on 3 June 2016 in Sarajevo. The Council of Europe implemented both projects in parallel over the past four years: the Joint EU/CoE Programme “Harmonisation of BiH sanctions policies and practices with European...

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Prison Reform: the key element in the criminal justice system

03/06/2016 Sarajevo

The final event of two complementary projects on the prison reform was held in Sarajevo today. The Council of Europe implemented both projects in parallel over the past four years: the Joint EU/CoE Programme “Harmonisation of BiH sanctions policies and practices with European standards” and the...

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