As part of the European Union and Council of Europe programmatic framework “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey” (Horizontal Facility), the Council of Europe will implement the Action “Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons in Montenegro”, in close partnership with the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

The Action will focus on: enhancing the capacities of prison guards, police officers and medical staff in preventing ill-treatment and combating impunity; providing necessary tools to beneficiaries in their efforts to reduce overcrowding and improve detention conditions; strengthening inter-institutional co-operation in order to provide better access and better health care services to prisoners; protection of the rights of patients under compulsory psychiatric treatment; development of rehabilitation and reintegration programme; co-operation with civil society organisations.

This Action will assist Montenegrin authorities in their efforts to comply with standards set in the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and to implement recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture – CPT.

The Action, which started on1 October 2016 and will be completed on 31 January 2019, has an overall budget of 750.000 €.

Project news

150 police and prison officers conclude their training on prevention of ill-treatment

2018 Montenegro

Over 150 prison and police officers have increased their knowledge on human rights of detained and sentenced people through a series of cascade training sessions. Teams of national trainers established within the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior and trained under the auspices the...

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Training on Istanbul protocol for prison staff of Montenegro finishes

21 December Podgorica

The two training sessions for prison medical staff organized in Montenegro early 2018, highlighted the need for further training to improve the process of medical screening with the final aim to identify and properly document cases of ill-treatment. The training focused on the provisions of the...

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Nearly 100 prison employees attend series of workshops devoted to presentation of the newly adopted Code of Ethics in Montenegro

26-30 November Montenegro

Following the adoption of the Code of Ethics for the employees of the Institute for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions in Montenegro, developed within the auspices of the Action, a series of workshops were organised to familiarize the prison staff with the provisions of the new Code. Nearly 100...

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