The purpose of the project was to support BiH authorities in standardising prisons’ operational procedures with respect to violent and extremist prisoners that are based on lawful exercise of public safety duties, thereby enabling prisoners’ effective and efficient reintegration in the community.     

The outputs of the project were as follows:

1. Development and introduction of a specific pre-release programme, based on the co-operation between law-enforcement agencies, in order to contribute to preventing prisoners’ return to violent extremism upon their release.

2. Development of tailor-made risk and needs assessment protocol for prisoners vulnerable to radicalization in conformity with the existing national procedures regarding risk assessment. Such protocol isl contributing to the prisoners’ successful rehabilitation in custody and reintegration in the community.

The Project was implemented in partnership with all three Ministries of Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The project has ended on 31 March 2018, with an overall budget of GBP 120,000, funded by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.