The Action, in general, aims to address important prison and police issues, especially the ones recorded in the CPT reports. Furthermore, it will provide support to the BiH authorities in ensuring compliance with the Council of Europe standards as necessary and assist them in advancing further towards the process of stabilisation and European integration. Specifically, the Action directly aspires to strengthen the capacities of staff to deal with persons deprived of liberty without infringing their human rights, design and provide meaningful activities for persons deprived of liberty, ensure that access to primary health care in prisons is equal to that provided in the community and support the treatment of mentally incapacitated offenders based on human rights standards.

Project news

Prison and Police professionals complimented the successful implementation of the HORIZONTAL FACILITY ACTION in Bosnia and Herzegovina

22 May 2019 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Successful implementation of the Horizontal Facility Action for Western Balkans and Turkey “Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, was acknowledged at the final meeting of the Steering Committee held on 22 May 2019 in Sarajevo. This Action...

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Court Police in Bosnia and Herzegovina harmonises procedures for dealing with detainees

7-8 March 2019 Teslic

A group of 42 court police officers from Bosnia and Herzegovina are participating in a cascade training session to harmonise operational procedures for dealing with persons deprived of liberty on apprehension and in holding cells. The session is taking place of 7-8 March 2019 in Teslic, Bosnia...

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Graduate Court Police oficers continue further training with guidelines for dealing with persons deprived of liberty

28 February 2019 Sarajevo

The 14th generation of court police officers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina graduated on 28 February 2018 in Sarajevo as one of the best classes. The ceremony was attended by Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo, who congratulated the young...

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Court and Prison police exchange best practices with Slovenian colleagues

6-7 February 2019 Mostar

delegation of senior prison staff from the Slovenian Prison Administration shared good custodial practices in the two peer training sessions for court police and prison staff organised on 6-7 February 2019 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). These peer training sessions, designed and...

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Prison and Court police officers train together to end Human Rights infringments

6-7 February 2019 Mostar

Security and treatment staff from 14 prisons and officers from 20 court police units in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) were trained in two parallel peer training sessions on 6-7 February 2019 in Mostar to ensure human rights safeguards and purposeful regime in closed environment. These peer...

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Court Police safeguards Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina

29-30 January 2019 Zenica

Court police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are introducing improvements to the existing procedures for deprivation of liberty and treatment of apprehended persons in the series of ongoing peer training sessions on human rights. The overall training programme is delivered based on the...

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Law enforcement agencies advise informatisation of prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

13-14 December Doboj

Prison authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina have commissioned introduction of information technologies in prisons in light of the Council of Europe recommendations and in an effort to advance European integration processes further. The Working Group comprising prison and law enforcement...

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Forensic facility staff and police officers improve their human rights-compliant performance

8-9 November Trebinje and Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The staff of the Forensic Facility Sokolac and police officers dealing with offenders on daily basis are currently improving their human rights-compliant performance in a series of training sessions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both groups of professionals are attending complementary training...

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20 September 2018 Banja Luka

Procedures for deprivation of liberty and treatment of apprehended and detained persons in the custodial environment are discussed in light of the Council of Europe conventions and recommendations in the ongoing training session for the law enforcement officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is...

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Training of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina continues while prisons welcome information technologies

18 June Sarajevo

Training of police officers to deal with persons deprived of liberty while observing their human rights received a new boost at the Steering Committee meeting of the joint EU/Council of Europe Action in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the same time, prisons are expected to host expert assessment visit...

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Prison professionals of Bosnia and Herzegovina exchange experiences with counterparts in the Slovak Republic

19-22 March Slovak Republic

Prison professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina and officials of the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman and Ministry of Justice of BiH visited some of the prison health care facilities in Slovak Republic from 19-22 March 2018 to learn about the organization and provision of health care to...

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Multi-professional group drafts safeguards to protect mentally disturbed criminal offenders in Bosnia and Herzegovina

5-6 March Sarajevo

A working group comprising prison staff trainers and medical staff of the Forensic Facility Sokolac is meeting in Sarajevo on 5-6 March 2018 to develop a set of safeguards and operational procedures to protect human rights of forensic patients who have committed criminal offences in Bosnia and...

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Training in law enforcement is an opportunity to influence the future

13-14 February Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina

A multi-agency team of law enforcement trainers in Bosnia and Herzegovina is further improving their training skills to deliver human-rights based programme for dealing with persons deprived of liberty in closed environment. The activity is being carried out in the framework of the Horizontal...

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Senior practitioners brainstorm application of successful transfer of knowledge among prison staff

30-31 January Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

All 14 prison governors in Bosnia and Herzegovina and six prison inspectors discussed practical ways of applying skills and knowledge acquired by prison staff thus far as part of the Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey initiative to promote competence and human rights- based...

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Action’s Steering Committee endorses inclusion of HR Based training in law enforcement agencies

30 January Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Results of the human rights-based training programme on the overall treatment of persons deprived of liberty and provision of health care in closed environment received full endorsement by the senior policy makers at the 5th Steering Committee meeting of the Action ‘’Enhancing human rights for...

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Building training capacities of the law enforcement officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina

13-14 November Banja Luka

Police officers representing middle management of all 10 police agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina are building their competencies to deliver human rights based training programme to junior law enforcement officers. These activities are in response to the requests voiced earlier by the police...

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Prison staff improve their core and advanced competencies for dealing with prisoners

7-9 November Bijeljina

A group of newly recruited prison staff improved their competencies for performing daily tasks in dealing with prison population in Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of a training commissioned by the local Ministries of Justice. Daily prison processes such as searching, escorting and organising...

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Enhancing protocols for delivering health care in custody in Bosnia and Herzegovina

27-28 September Teslic

The 2nd Round table with training elements on Protocols for enhancing health care and human rights in closed environment brought together representatives of public health institutions and civil society. The group initially learned about six protocols covering health care issues most commonly...

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4th Steering Committee meeting of the Horizontal Facility Action in Bosnia and Herzegovina signs off on comprehensive training activities

19 September 2017 Sarajevo

The 4th Steering Committee meeting of the Horizontal Facility for Western Balkan and Turkey Action in Bosnia and Herzegovina, entitled ''Enhancing human rights for detained and sentenced persons'' was held on 19 September in Sarajevo. The three Assistant Ministers of Justice and Assistant...

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Train the trainers cycle on Human Rights of persons deprived of liberty

14-15 September Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The first round table with training elements on how to apply human rights standards in dealings with persons deprived of liberty immediately upon their admission to custody took place on 14-15 September in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the framework of the European Union/Council of...

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A series of round tables on prisoner management in Bosnia and Herzegovina underway

4-5 July 2017 Sarajevo

A series of round tables with training elements on the application of the Handbook for prisoner management and enhancing human rights in closed environment started on 4-5 July in Banja Luka with a session for senior treatment and security prison staff and prison staff dealing with tretment of...

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A series of round tables on advancing health care and Human Rights in prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina underway

10-11 July Zenica

A series of round tables with training elements on the application of the Protocols for advancing health care and human rights in closed environment started on 10-11 July in Zenica with a session prison doctors and senior medical staff from seven prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These...

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Final phase of the development of the offenders’ rehabilitation programmes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

17-19 May Bihac

The working group comprising local prison professionals tasked with developing offenders’ management programmes and a corresponding handbook to support their delivery to peers met on 17-19 May in Bihac under the auspices of the Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey project...

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Joint guidelines for dealing with persons deprived of liberty in Bosnia and Herzegovina

8-10 March Bosnia and Herzegovina

Representatives of 10 police agencies and 14 prison establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) joined forces over the past four months to develop Guidelines for dealing with persons deprived of liberty that would be applicable across the local law enforcement agencies. The result of the final...

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Second Steering Committee meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2 February Banja Luka

The Second Steering Committee meeting of the EU/CoE Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey project implemeneted in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the title ''Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons'' was held in Banja Luka on 2 February 2017. The progress...

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Visit by the U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina

12/12/2016 Sarajevo

During her visit to Banja Luka, the U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Maureen Cormack, paid a visit to one of the drafting sessions of the working group formed under the auspices of the European Union and Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey project in...

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