The programme was implemented in the period 3 August 2015 - 28 February 2016, with a total budget amounting to EUR 110 000. Specific objectives of the project were:

  • Advising  high-level  meetings,  expert  consultations  and moderating  and/or  making presentations during conferences and seminars;
  • Developing  standards  assessment  criteria  to  evaluate  the  available  means  and  effective measures/initiatives to fight overcrowding in prisons and hindering factors in countries of the Eastern Partnership Programme;
  • Conducting assessment;
  • Drafting assessment report with situation analysis and recommendations;
  • Developing  strategic  guidelines  for  fight  overcrowding  in  prisons  and  effective  and targeted use of alternatives to imprisonment;
  • Providing written opinions on legislative changes as well as policy papers.
Project news

Regional workshop “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Eastern Partnership Countries”

22-23/06/2016 Kyiv

A Regional Workshop “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Eastern Partnership Countries” took place on 22-23 June 2016, at the Radisson Blu Kiev Hotel in Kiev, Ukraine. The Regional Workshop brought together high officials of the Ministries of Justice of Armenia, Moldova and...

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Round Table “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Moldova”

22/04/2016 Chisinau

A Round Table “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Moldova” took place on 22 April 2016, at the Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel in Chisinau (Moldova). The Round Table brought together representatives of the Ministry of Justice, penitentiary service, People Ombudsman and other...

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Regional Conference “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Eastern Partnership Countries”

18/02/2016 Tbilisi

A Regional Conference “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Eastern Partnership Countries” took place on 18 February 2016, in Tbilisi (Georgia). The conference brought together representatives of the Ministry of Corrections of Georgia and Ministries of Justice of Armenia, Moldova...

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