The 24-month project assisted the national authorities in reforming the penitentiary system in line with European standards, with particular focus on promoting improved healthcare (including mental healthcare) services for inmates and human rights compliant practices in management of prisons. Besides the policy and legal development, the project closely worked with three selected, pilot prisons (including a prison for female offenders).

The range of activities covered among others: assessment of legislation and practices; drafting of policies and action plans; training, peer exchange and other learning opportunities for medical and non-medical staff of prisons, including senior managers, as well as advice for pilot establishments and regular follow-up on the implementation of recommended actions.

The project has been implemented in close cooperation with the Penitentiary Service and Main Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan and other stakeholders interested in penitentiary reform.

The joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe was completed on 31 August 2018. The overall project budget is EUR 556,000 co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Project news

Training-workshop for penitentiary doctors

18-20 April Baku

Twenty doctors of medical units of penitentiary institutions and prison hospitals enhanced their knowledge and skills for diagnosis and effective treatment of two prevalent diseases among prison inmates, cardio-vascular and nervous system diseases. During a three-day seminar (18-20 April) the...

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Workshop for penitentiary medical staff

3-7 and 12-15 March Baku, Azerbaijan

Nineteen nurses and feldshers of prison hospitals and medical-sanitary units of penitentiary institutions participated in a three-day advanced level refresher training on First Aid in Baku, Azerbaijan, with the aim to increase their awareness on specific workplace risks and on how to better...

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Second Project Steering Committee Meeting

7 February 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

To follow the progress of the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Further support to the penitentiary reform in Azerbaijan,” the third Steering Committee meeting was held on 7 February 2018 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Steering Committee was attended by governors, heads of...

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