The Project on Enhancing the Disciplinary and Reward Procedures for Prisoners in Türkiye aims to contribute to a safer society that provides full protection of the rights and dignity of persons deprived of their liberty. The main beneficiary is the Directorate General for Prisons and Detention Houses of the Ministry of Justice.

As such, the Project is expected to develop and ensure unified application of a standardised and efficient discipline and reward system that contributes to prisoners’ rehabilitation through numerous activities to be implemented under the following three components:

  • revising and strengthening the legislative framework governing the discipline and reward procedures for prisoners,
  • producing advanced tools to facilitate the unified application of discipline and rewards system in the country and,
  • enhancing the capacities of prison directors and staff, as well as other stakeholders involved in the execution of criminal sanctions, on the application of discipline and reward procedures.

The key standards in support to the actions undertaken with this Project are set in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) and its case law, European Prison Rules as well as the standards and recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT).

The project started on 01 November 2022 and is expected to be completed by 31 October 2025[1], with an overall budget of 1.500.000 €. This project is currently being funded by the Council of Europe Human Rights Trust Fund, Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands.


[1] pending completion of the fund-raising process and securing the required budget.


Meeting to finalise Policy documents on disciplinary sanctions and reward practices for prisoners

13 June 2024 Ankara, Türkiye

As the final phase of the process of drafting a policy document and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the implementation of disciplinary sanctions and reward practices for prisoners in Türkiye, a roundtable meeting was held in Ankara on 13 June 2024. The aim of the event was to present the...

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High-level prison management from Türkiye on a study visit to Spain

4-6 June 2024 Spain

Between 4 and 6 June 2024, a study visit to Spain was organised for high-level representatives of the Directorate General of Prisons and Detention Houses (DGPDH), prison management and staff in order to familiarise them with good practices on discipline and reward procedures for prisoners in...

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Ongoing development of staff Training programme on discipline and rewards for prisoners in Türkiye

6-8 May 2024 Bolu, Türkiye

Following the second working group (WG) meeting in February 2024 on preparation of a training programme for prison staff on maintaining effective discipline and implementing a reward mechanism for prisoners in line with the Council of Europe standards, the third meeting was organised in Bolu from...

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A complaint form for prisoners in Türkiye is being developed

1-2 April 2024 Ankara, Türkiye

The first working group meeting for developing a template for a standardised complaint form and a data base was organised in Ankara on 1-2 April 2024 with the participation of representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Ombudsman Institution, and Human Rights and Equality Institution. The...

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Training programme on discipline and rewards for prison staff in Türkiye is being developed

26-27 February 2024 Antalya, Türkiye

Following the first working group (WG) meeting on training in November 2023, the second meeting was organised in Antalya on 26-27 February 2024 to draft the training programme for prison staff. The meeting brought together 20 specialists including representatives from the Directorate General for...

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Meeting in Ankara to finalise legal amendments on disciplinary sanctions and reward practices for prisoners

18-19 January 2024 Türkiye

As the final of several working group meetings on drafting amendments to legislation regulating disciplinary sanctions and reward practices for prisoners in Türkiye, a round table meeting was held in Ankara on 18 and 19 January 2024. The aim of the event was to present the amendments and receive...

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Development of a Policy paper on Discipline and Rewards mechanism in Türkiye

15-16 January 2024 Antalya, Türkiye

The second two-day working group meeting on the development of a policy paper concerning a Discipline and Rewards mechanism was held in Antalya from 15 to 16 January 2024. The focus of the meeting was the development of a comprehensive document aimed at effectively implementing discipline and...

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Legislative amendment proposal on disciplinary and reward measures for prisoners in Türkiye is reaching final stage

15 November 2023 Ankara, Türkiye

The third working group (WG) meeting, aimed at reviewing and drafting amendments to the legislation on disciplinary sanctions and reward procedures for prisoners in Türkiye was held in Ankara on 15 November 2023. Opening the meeting Mr Fatih Güngör, Deputy Director General of the Prisons and...

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Training curriculum for personnel in discipline and reward system in Türkiye is being developed

13-14 November 2023 Ankara, Türkiye

Following a preparatory meeting held in Ankara on 7-8 September 2023 to discuss and address the training needs of the personnel working in the country's penal institutions, the first working group meeting to develop training curricula was held in Ankara on 13-14 November 2023. The members of the...

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Steering Committee meeting confirms need for legislative changes on disciplinary and reward procedures in prisons in Türkiye

20 September 2023 Ankara, Türkiye

The 2nd Steering Committee for the project "Enhancing the Disciplinary and Reward Procedures for Prisoners in Türkiye” convened on 20 September 2023 in Ankara with high-level participants from the stakeholders, including the Director General of Prisons and Detention Houses. Representatives of the...

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Ongoing Review of the Legislative Framework on Disciplinary Sanctions and Reward Procedures for Prisoners in Türkiye

12 September 2023 Türkiye

The second working group meeting, aimed at reviewing and drafting amendments to the legislation on disciplinary and reward procedures for prisoners in Türkiye, was held in Ankara from 4 to 6 September 2023. In his opening remarks, Mr. Enis Yavuz Yıldırım, Director General of the Prisons and...

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Drafting amendments to the legislative framework on disciplinary sanctions and reward procedures for prisoners in Türkiye

17 July 2023 Türkiye

A significant step towards revision of the legislative framework on disciplinary and reward procedures for prisoners in Türkiye was taken with the working group meeting organised in İzmir on 13-14 July 2023. The meeting brought together high-level representatives from the Directorate General for...

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Conference on international standards and best practices on disciplinary and reward procedures in prisons

16 June 2023 Türkiye

The Conference on international standards and best practices on disciplinary and reward procedures in prisons, held on 13 and 14 June 2023 in Ankara, gathered more than 160 prison practitioners, representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Directorate General for Prisons and Detention Houses...

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Study visit to Switzerland for penitentiary system professionals from Türkiye

7 June 2023 Türkiye

A delegation comprising high-level managers of the Directorate General for Prison and Detention Houses (DGPDH), public prosecutor, a prison governor as well as prison staff from Türkiye visited Switzerland on 30 May and 1 June to share experience on rehabilitation of prisoners and learn about the...

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The findings of the assessment mission on discipline and reward procedures for prisoners in Türkiye discussed with the stakeholders

20 March 2023 Türkiye

The assessment report, following a mission to Türkiye from 30 January to 2 February 2023, aiming at identifying the needs for improvement in the discipline and reward procedures for prisoners, was presented to the main project’s beneficiary and stakeholders during a working group (WG) meeting...

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Needs to further improve and streamline discipline and reward procedures and measures for prisoners in Türkiye have been identified

03 February 2023 Türkiye

An assessment mission to detect existing legislative and practical shortcomings and gaps and accordingly define the needs for improvement in the discipline and reward procedures and measures for prisoners took place from 30 January to 2 February 2023 in Türkiye. During the mission two...

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Call for International consultancy services in the area of discipline and reward procedures for prisoners in Türkiye

10 January 2023 Türkiye

The Council of Europe is launching a call for international consultancy services in the area of discipline and reward procedures for prisoners in Türkiye. Deadline for submissions of tenders : 6 February 2023 For more information, please follow this link

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