In the framework of the Council of Europe continued assistance provided to the Albanian authorities to bring the penitentiary system in line with Council of Europe standards, this Project addresses needs for carrying out reforms in a systematic and strategic manner.

Accordingly the Project supports the authorities in developing a 4-year Action Plan on prisons and also provides expertise in a form of legal opinion to four draft laws in the area of execution of criminal sanctions, as prepared by the Ministry of Justice, namely: Draft Law on the Rights and Treatment of Inmates; Draft Law on Prison Police; Draft Law on Internal Control Service and Complaints in the System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions and Draft Law on Probation Service.

The Project also provides institution-building support that will improve the coordinated approach to countering violent extremism (CVE) in Albania particularly in relation to prisons, civil society, and religious communities. As a result of the Project the CVE Center’s internal procedure and Information-sharing protocols will be strengthened.

The Project is funded by the UK Embassy in Tirana and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Project documentation


Useful information


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