In the framework of the multiple reforms in the criminal field, the Ministry of Interior of Georgia decided to extend its work with both the juveniles committing crimes and juveniles who are victims of them. With this juvenile involvement, both juvenile victims and juvenile offenders, the Ministry of Interior aims at supporting the rehabilitation and the reintegration of the juveniles into the society as well as developing their sense of the responsibility, thus decreasing their probability of re-offending.

Despite the capacity building support to the Georgian police and the drafting of legislation by the Council of Europe, additional work is further needed, however, to achieve the integration of European standards in Temporary Detention Isolators (TDIs).

The current Action was designed to address the following issues:

  • rights of detained persons and their treatment,
  • crimes committed by/against juveniles,
  • complaint mechanisms against police misconduct and
  • proper investigation of the alleged ill-treatment.

With its multiple activities the project aimed to achieve the following results:

  • the management of the detainees in the TDIs in line with European standards,
  • the capacity-building of police officers to work with the juvenile as victims and as offenders,
  • the national monitoring bodies (Office of Public Defender and the State Inspectors Office) and civil society organizations are ready to participate in the monitoring of human rights protection by the police and the investigative authorities.

This Project was implemented within 24 months, until 30 June 2021, with an overall budget of 600,000 Euros financed by the Action Plan of the Council of Europe in Georgia.

project news

Final Steering Committee meeting of the JADES project in Georgia

2 July 2021 Georgia

On 28 June 2021, the final Steering Committee meeting was organised to close the two-year Council of Europe project entitled "Juvenile and Adult Detainees Support” (JADES) in Georgia. The meeting was an important forum for assessment of the main achievements of the project and its impact....

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New manual for Georgian police officers and investigators on psychological and legal aspects of investigations in the juvenile justice system

10 June 2021 Georgia

On 9 June 2021, a new Manual on investigations in the juvenile justice system addressed to police officers and investigators was presented to representatives of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). This manual improves the treatment of juvenile victims and juvenile offenders during...

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Medical staff of the Georgian Temporary Detention Isolators trained on Council of Europe standards

7 June 2021 Georgia

On 1-3 and 4-6 June 2021, two groups of medical staff of the Georgian Temporary Detention Isolators (TDI) attended a series of training courses which aimed at raising their capacities to deliver qualitative healthcare services and use high standard interviewing techniques with victims of...

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Managers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and high-ranking police officers strengthen their knowledge on Article 3 of the European Convention

1 June 2021 Georgia

On 29-30 May 2021, a group of high-ranking police officers and managers of the relevant departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia benefited from a training covering a wide range of topics related to the application of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the...

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Witness and victim coordinators strengthen their capacities on juvenile related issues

28 May 2021 Georgia

On 24-26 May 2021, a series of training sessions for the group of newly appointed regional coordinators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia working specifically with witnesses and victims of offences were organised. The training programme covered a wide range of topics such as the...

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Investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be specialised in juvenile issues

15-17 July 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 15-17 July 2020, the Council of Europe organized a series of training sessions for the first group of investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA). The training covered a wide range of important topics such as the psychological and legal aspects addressed by the Georgian...

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Comparative analysis of the independent investigative mechanisms in Europe prepared

13 July 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

A comprehensive study on the best European practices of the independent investigative mechanisms, conducted for the State Inspector Service (SIS) of Georgia was presented on 13 July 2020. The study was initiated with the aim to carry out comparative analyses of best European practices of the...

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Investigators of the State Inspector’s Service specialised in the Juvenile issues

2-3 June 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

Online training sessions for the investigators of the State Inspector’s Service took place on 2-3 June 2020. The training covered important juvenile-related topics such as the psychological aspects addressed by the Georgian Code on Children Rights and juvenile justice principles; victimization;...

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Professional Capacity of the Georgian TDI Medical Staff Improved

13-15 May 2020 Georgia

On 13 and 15 May 2020, two online training sessions on qualitative health-care management in temporary detention isolators (TDI) were organised for the Georgian TDI (Ministry of Internal Affairs) medical staff. Thirty-two participants increased their knowledge of international (CPT) standards...

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Support to the Department of Temporary Detention to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

7 May 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

Responding to the emergency of COVID-19 crisis and to the need of providing support to the detainees and the staff of temporary detention isolators, the Council of Europe donated, on 6 May 2020, the necessary protective equipment to the Department of Temporary Detention of the Ministry of...

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Online training for the Newly Established Juvenile Unit’ Investigators

28 April 2020 Georgia

Online training sessions for the investigators of the newly established juvenile unit (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia)took place on 22- 24 and 27 April 2020. The training covered a wide range of important topics such as the psychological and legal aspects addressed by the Georgian Code...

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Institutional support to the State Inspector’s Service of Georgia

9 April 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

An online Working Group (WG) meeting with representatives of the Service of State Inspector of Georgia (SIS), a Council of Europe consultant and the Project team took place on 9 April 2020. The online WG meeting was designed to discuss the methodology of a comprehensive study aimed at describing...

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Improvement of health-care monitoring in temporary detention isolators

8 April 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

An online working group meeting with the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the Council of Europe consultant and the Project team took place on 8 April 2020. The participants discussed the draft medical package, prepared to improve the quality of health-care service...

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Training for the Georgian temporary detention isolators’ medical staff

4-6 March 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 4-6 March 2020, the first group of the Temporary Detention Isolators’ (TDI) doctors underwent the training on quality health-care service delivery and interviewing techniques of the victims of ill-treatment. During the three-day training, the participants increased their knowledge of the CPT...

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Institutional Strengthening of the State Inspector’s Service

27 February 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 27 February 2020, statistical methodology for the State Inspector’s Service was at the core of the discussions between representatives of the State Inspector’s Service and the Council of Europe. The methodology will improve the capacity of the SIS to collect and process statistical data about...

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Improvement of health-care monitoring in the temporary detention isolators

24-25 February 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 24-25 February 2020, representatives of the Department of the Temporary Detention (TDI) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA) and the Council of Europe (CoE) discussed the draft monitoring instrument of health-care service delivery in the temporary detention isolators. Prepared...

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Joint meeting of the Service of State Inspector and Public Defender’s Office

21-22 February 2020 Tsinandali, Georgia

On 21-22 February 2020, a two-day workshop to enhance future cooperation between the Service of State Inspector (SIS) and the Public Defender’s Office (PDO) took place in Tsinandali, Georgia. During this event, discussions were held inter alia on different subjects of common interest for both...

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Campaign against violence at schools

19 February 2020 Gori, Georgia

On 19 February 2020, in the framework of a campaign aiming at both combatting violence at schools and supporting the awareness-raising on criminal liability and other related issues, a meeting was organised with the school children at Gori public school No. 5. The campaign implies informative...

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Enhancing the Georgian Police’s Capacity in Juvenile Justice Matters

17 February 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 17 February 2020, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA) and the Council of Europe (CoE) discussed the draft guidelines to improve the institutional and professional capacity of both police officers and investigators to work with juveniles. Prepared with the...

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Study visit for Georgian officials

5-6 February 2020 Strasbourg, France

Officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and the State Inspector’s Service (SIS) of Georgia visited the Council of Europe from 5 to 6 February 2020. The participants discussed standards and good practices with the CoE Secretariat concerning the implementation of the CPT...

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Launching of JADES project in Georgia

29 October 2019 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 29 October 2019, the Council of Europe launched a two-year project entitled “Juvenile and Adult Detainees Support (JADES) to reinforce the protection human rights of adult and juvenile detainees in police detention and improve their treatment. Through cooperation with partner organisations,...

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State Inspector meeting with media representatives organised by the Council of Europe

18 October 2019 Tbilisi

On 18 October 2019, a meeting with media representatives on the activities of the State Inspector gathered Ms Londa Toloraia, State Inspector, and Mr Giorgi Gamezardashvili, Deputy State Inspector. Ms Londa Toloraia focused on the three main areas of the State Inspector’s activities: a) the...

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