• Agenda (EN / FR / ES / PT)
  • Press release

Challenges, obstacles and constraints for international cooperation in cases in different regions of the world (Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Pacific)


Solutions: Capacity building projects of the Council of Europe

  • GLACY+: Manuel DE ALMEIDA PEREIRA, Project Manager, Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC)
  • Cybercrime@EAP2018: Irina CUCIUC, Prosecutor of the International judicial assistance and European integration Unit, Prosecutor General’s Office, Republic of Moldova
  • iPROCEEDS: Darko SOLDAT, Prosecutorial Assistant and Legal Associate for Organized Crime, Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • CyberSouth: Manuel DE ALMEIDA PEREIRA, Project Manager, Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC)


Solutions: International cooperation on cybercrime and e-evidence under the Budapest Convention; transborder access to data

Solutions: Cooperation with the Private Sector on cybercrime and electronic evidence

  • Case study - Serbia: Branko STAMENKOVIC, Special Prosecutor on Cybercrime and Member of the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) of the Council of Europe, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia


Experience: Cases on Cybercrime or electronic evidence

  • INTERPOL's approach: Dong Uk KIM, Project Manager Law Enforcement for the GLACY+ Project, INTERPOL, Singapore


Solutions: Presentation on International Association of Prosecutors/Global prosecutors E-Crime Network (IAP/GPEN)

  • Han MORAAL, National member of The Netherlands for Eurojust and Chair of GPEN and Secretary general of IAP